Saturday, May 31, 2008

East Coast Trip

I now have another tip under my belt. The trip went well and I was able to see new things. Each year I find something new and exciting. I also like to visit some of the same places because they are so beautiful. Here are just a few pictures from my trip. Please click on the link to see all of them. There was no way I could put even some of the pictures I wanted to put on my blog do to the fact that there are so many places and things we saw. Click HERE

Martha Washington's dress
Tomb of the unknow soldier.
Einstein monument
The White House
Washington National Cathedral
Lincoln Memorial

Udvar Hazy museum
They said I had the right stuff, but I did not like the helmet hair so I passed.

Jamestown, VA

Williamsburg, VA
I just love Williamsburg. It's amazingly pretty.

Click on the link to see many more wonderful pictures.