Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stockton Here I Come........

Mike sent me an email saying he has been looking at my blog to see when I was going to post this race, but I had not done so yet. Ok Mike, here you go. Just for you.

NSR race

Oops at the starting line. What you dont see is me missing a shift just after that. I saw the video of the race and I will not be adding that to this post. LOL

YEAH!!!! My first ever supermoto race!!!! I had no idea what that was going to be like. Super stressed at first and then super fun.

I like this supermoto stuff. :-) I ride my supermoto on a weekend ride like a street bike, but this foot out stuff was fun.

1st for the NSR race.

3rd for the Supermoto race.

( I am being sent pictures so I may add more later.)

This last weekend was an adventure of firsts. My best buddy Mike and I ended up packing up my little race bike and some clothes and headed north. It seems that there was a supermoto organization that was going to hold a NSR race. Since I have a NSR and there are no places that I know that have a strictly NSR race only, I thought this was going to be fun.
I rushed to Mike’s after work. With a wish and a prayer the bike fit into my car and off we went. We left at 3:45pm. We got to Stockton CA about 9:45ish. I had no idea where I was going and the fact that there is NOTHING on the 5 freeway for about 200 plus miles, I was a little stressed. I was very happy when we finally saw a Stockton sign. We then checked into the hotel all grumpy and went to sleep. (Mike, I don’t know how you did not smell gas the whole time in the car both there and back! You need your smeller check. Hahahahahaha)
I don’t think I have ever felt so lost at a race. I did not know how this group worked and what kind of rules they had. I did not know the track. I did not know how many people would be racing that day. I was just trying to do my best and get ready.
I am blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Mike made this trip with me to help me out. I also had someone give me a supermoto bike to race that day. All the work to prep it and let me ride something that I may crash is very generous of them. Thank you.
I have been very stressed as of late, and wondered if I could muster up the energy and strength to race. I enjoy racing and take it seriously. Everyone has good days and bad days, but when the flag drops something clicks and it’s all about the ride. Could I find that spark that I needed? I got two practice sessions on both bikes. Not much time to figure out a new bike and a new track. Well at the end of the day I got 1st in my NSR race and 3rd in the supermoto race (my first supermoto race ever, but not my last!). It’s a start. I am looking forward to becoming a better rider. I had the best weekend I have had in a long time. I needed it. I met nice people. I was able to relax. I rode well. ( I wont talk about my start on both races. Holy cow they were bad. ) I also had time to think about a great deal of things. I enjoy a long drive. It gives you time to think and appreciate things to the fullest. Heaven knows there is nothing else on the 5 freeway to do but to think of what you love, hope for, and enjoy in life.

I got to doggie sit the little one for a while. Shorty was his name. He was soooooo cute. Then along came a dog that thought it was a horse.

:-) xoxoxox to all the people that suppot my crazy dreams.


Friday, April 09, 2010

Out of the ashes comes my little Aprilia

My Aprilia RS50 means a lot to me. I wanted to get a bike that I could race. A smaller size bike so I could learn to be a better rider and race. Not sure why I really wanted to race, but I did.
I saw this very bike at a shop, took it for a test ride, and really wanted it. It was used, scratched, had an aftermarket pipe on it, and was now a 68cc bike. I felt pretty good about it since I was going to add my own scratches on it. :-)
It’s a 2-stroke. I don’t know how to ride one. I don’t know anyone that has one. I would ride it to a bike night, and back to work on learning how to ride it. My once a week my ride out to Pasadena via side streets was quite an adventure. Finally I was ready to race. So I thought. I still had on street tires. It was January in the dessert and I was on ice cold track, with ice cold tires that were rock hard to start with. Oh and I did not practice. I got second to last. Next race I got slicks, practiced the day before, and got third. I was in the top three every race after that. I dragged my knee for the first time on that bike. I won my first race on that bike.
What I forgot is how tall that bike is compared to my NSR. I forgot how bad the brakes are. I forgot that the front still dives down even after I put spacers in the forks. I forgot that the power band is not small it’s tiny. I forgot I had to change the gear oil after each race because it has a false neutral between 4th and 5th gear. No wonder I started to race the NSR. LOL It’s still a cool bike and now that it’s together (thanks to my best buddy Mike) it’s time to get tires and hit GMR for a little street legal, 2-stroke madness. I don’t think it goes fast enough to give me a speeding ticket. Oh, ok it does, but come on it’s a 50cc (well that’s what the vin# says).

Here is my rough ride on my bike after 4-5 years of sitting. Poor tires. Oh, I should have checked the air pressure…….. holy cow.
Have a wonderful day.