Wednesday, May 08, 2013

First race in 2 years.

Thanks to my most wonderful honey bunny I went racing this weekend.
 Best man on the planet!!!
 I love you Darrick.
 Really want to see him out there on that bike. :-) 
 Our wonderful Severina napping at the riders meeting.
 Riders meeting fun. 
 Starting line nerves. 
 Start of the race. I got bad starts all day. 

 Happy to be out there again. 

 I love my girl more than anything. Daddy does not count. :-) 

I had a good time. Boy, am I out of shape. I hope to get back out there more. Thank you Darrick for your wonderful support. 

Monday, January 07, 2013

Severina 7 months old

Our little girl is 7 months old now. Where has the time gone? She has been through so much, and yet she smiles. She is the light of our lives. I can't tell you how much she means to us. When you get a second chance and life with your baby, each day is a blessing. 

 I am so cute! I know. :-)
 Daddy, where is my sprint car? I have the keys, and I am ready to go.

 I always have a smile for you.

We love you little girl.