Monday, October 09, 2006

What happed to the County Fair?

Miles and I recently went to the County Fair. Visions of animals, home baked goodies; hand crafted items danced in my head. Miles is not big on the fair, but being the wonderful supportive husband that he is, he went anyways. I should have known what kind of day it was going to be when we had to wait twenty minutes to buy the tickets. We plowed our way through the insane game area to make our way to see the animals. It was nice, but it did not see like there were that many. They needed a better variety.
After asking for help from the information stand we found the hand crafted quilts, home baked goods, the table settings, and some ceramic artwork. They were all in the same building area that is housed under the grand stand to the racetrack. It was nothing like it used to be. The rest of the entire fair ground is now a big swap meet. It slices it dices. It will get wine out of carpet. This spa is the one for you. I was so disappointed. The quality of the people is not like it used to be either.
Society today has lost all its creativity. No one knows how to make fresh baked bread, or how to sew anything. What happed to art? Paints, pictures, and all the other mediums? I guess people are just into shopping. I don’t think that many families even cook at home anymore. I don’t think I will be going to that fair anytime soon.
I would write more but I have a quilt to finish and feel the need to bake bread.

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