Sunday, March 18, 2007

My Little Girls

Wonderful Bailey

Funny Sonoma

Mysterious Michaela

Anyone that knows me knows I love my critters. It's been a hard time finding out that Bailey has cancer. It has been removed, but they don't know if they got it all. I am kind of lost at this point. I can spend thousands of dollars on treatment that she may or may not need. Will the treatment make her sick and is it worth it? To me she is family, not a dog. But, I do have to remember she is a dog and wont out live me. Its a tangled mess. Right now I am just spending time with her and giving her lots of hugs and kisses. I am blessed to have such wonderful little girls in my life.


Miles and I recently went to Mammoth. I really am beginning to like it there. I like the small town and all the snow. It was my first run of the year and Miles’ second trip to Mammoth. I had a very nice time with Miles co-workers that shared a condo with us. Everyone was so nice and easy to get along with. I was even able to snowboard with someone on my ability level. I had a wonderful time.
There was one part of the trip that made it an adventure. Sat was wonderful. Sunday was a blizzard. We all woke up to gale force winds and snow. Miles had to take people to drop off skis and others to get a refund on a lift ticket. In that process he somehow managed to find himself in a snow bank. A snowplow happened by and pulled him out. We were lucky to get out and make it home. Too bad it cut our snowboarding short.