Sunday, March 18, 2007


Miles and I recently went to Mammoth. I really am beginning to like it there. I like the small town and all the snow. It was my first run of the year and Miles’ second trip to Mammoth. I had a very nice time with Miles co-workers that shared a condo with us. Everyone was so nice and easy to get along with. I was even able to snowboard with someone on my ability level. I had a wonderful time.
There was one part of the trip that made it an adventure. Sat was wonderful. Sunday was a blizzard. We all woke up to gale force winds and snow. Miles had to take people to drop off skis and others to get a refund on a lift ticket. In that process he somehow managed to find himself in a snow bank. A snowplow happened by and pulled him out. We were lucky to get out and make it home. Too bad it cut our snowboarding short.

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