Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mammoth Jan 2008

Trip number two to Mammoth. Mako and Alin, our good friends, drove up with us, spent the weekend and drove back with us. I hope they are still our friends after all that time with the Hanshaw’s. HAHAHHAHA There were also a few other friends that met us there as well. Saturday’s weather was great. Mako, Alin, Miles and I spent pretty much the whole day together. We did split at the end of they day as Miles and I wanted to finish our day with a bus ride to the car. Mako and Alin wanted to board back across the mountain to the car. You would think the people taking the bus would get to the car faster. Not in this case. Miles and I made a wrong turn at Albuquerque. We found ourselves stuck in the snow. Our boards just did a nosedive and we were stuck. Miles’ board not only did a nosedive, but he did a few flips along with it. We spent about 20-30 minutes or so just to get out of that 400-meter area. Not much fun. The next day brought snow and wind. Mako and Alin headed out into the weather for a while until it got too ugly for them and they came back to the condo were we were hanging out. We still had a good time. Mako and Alin make for good traveling partners.
We also saw the brightest rainbow anyone had ever seen. Amazing.

Miles having some breakfast.

Trying to dig out the truck so we can go home. All that snow in one night.

Oustide the condo.

Our room.
The snow piled up to the sliding door in our room.

The road home.

Am I even driving in a lane?

Mako and Alin after a morning of boarding.

A perfect way to end our trip. The rainbow and the fact that we stocked up on more bread.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Quilt Show 2008

Once a year there is a quilt show that bring people from all over the USA to So Cal. I called my show buddy, AKA mom, and off we went. The first time I went to this show I had no idea what it was about and what to expect. The volume of people that go to this event each year over whelmed me. They come by busloads. The first time I went to the show I was shocked at the quilts that were entered in the show. When I think quilt, I see something that would make a good bedspread or a blanket. I never thought of it as an art form. The quilts looked more like a painting than a quilt. I could not believe that it was made of material. After that first eye opener, I had to bring my mom with me to see what this is all about. She is not a quilter, but I knew she would be as shocked as I was at how amazing a quilt can be. This year was my third and her second time to the show. I think that the quilts this year were the best yet. There are also a large number of venders that sell just about everything you need, from a needle to a $10,000.00 quilting machine. I had a good time shopping and getting new ideas. Too bad I don’t have the skill level to make most of what I saw, but I am getting there, one stitch at a time.
Oh and there is money in quilt shows. The top winner recieved $100,000.00.

This is a traditional quilt

Miles liked the colors of this red, green, yellow, and blue quilt.

Circles are hard to make when quilting.

I can't imagen how long it took to cut and sew all those little pieces.

This quilt is 3D.
I love this quilt! The bird looks so real.

This was one of my favorites.

Can you believe that this is a quilt made of fabric?????
I think mom liked this one the most.
This bear quilt is one of the top winners of the show. I did not know you could not take pictures of the top quilts and was able to get this one.

I look forward to next year already.