Monday, February 09, 2009

Lisa "Da' Foot" Hanshaw

Day of the crash.

Nov 30th is a day to remember. I was headed out to the track with my new Aprilia RS125cc motorcycle. It's a beautiful bike. I had taken the bike out for one slow session and was fine. It was my second session on the end of my second lap that things went wrong. It was Willow Springs Race Way and it was turn 9. The dreaded turn nine. The one that takes lives year after year. I was heading into the turn when the motor seized and the rear wheel locked up. That made the bike right itself and I went flying off AKA High Side. I was knocked out for a little while. I started to wake up wondering what happened. I thought I was in bed dreaming that I crashed. Then I could hear the bikes behind me exiting the track. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful bike laying there looking back at me. Then I noticed my foot was hurting. It is imposable to describe the pain. I never wish that upon anyone. Long story short. It broke 8 bones in my foot. One was crushed to dust. They were also dislocated. I had to have surgery to have 4 screws put in my foot for a while as well as a bone graft off another bone in my foot to fix the gap where the crushed bone was. The pain meds they gave me did not help. The only one that was helpful caused me to pass out, throw up and get hot flashes. I came home after 2 and a half days in the hospital. The meds they gave me for home made me sick and I could not keep anything down. I lost 10 pounds. I have since gained most of it back. The doctors visits have all been painful. Getting the cast off and the screws out was the worst. Physical therapy is not much fun either, but I am getting there. I hope to move my foot soon and the swelling goes down. Here are some scary pictures of my adventure.

Lisfranc break. Click here to learn about it.
One week after surgery.
Blood soaked cotton. Not much fun getting the cast off around the screws.

One week after surgery.

Still one week.

Three weeks after surgery. One screw was almost coming through my skin on the other side of my foot. Hurt like crazy to adjust it. I also got the stitches out. Amazingly painful. My skin hurt so badly around that area, I was surprised.

Finally got my cast on. 6 more weeks of fun.

Cast off and screws out day! 9 weeks after surgery. I was not looking forward to them cutting around the 4 screws in my foot.


Not sure why Miles has a smile on his face, it was not much fun for me. hehehehe

Almost there.

Free at last. My screws got caught in the cast. That brought me to tears. I could take it for a while, but it kept happening and then got stuck. That put me over the top.

Then came the good part.

They took the screws out one by one with a hand crank. I wont even talk about how that felt. I am sure you can guess. 4 more weeks on crutches and then I can learn to walk again. It's been a rough road, but my friends and family have made it much better.

Updated pictures....

Week 11

Week 13

Week 13

Week 13

I was told I had only 4 more weeks of crutches, but my foot did not get the message. I have another 2 more weeks on top of that and then I can use one crutch for 2 more weeks. After the 4 weeks total I go back and get checked to see if I can walk.


Eric said...

Ooh...creepy. Haha! Hope you're feeling better. :)

kneedragginchick said...

I am getting better. It's just taking a long time. :-)