Sunday, March 29, 2009

What makes me tick?

My brother and I were eating together yesterday at a memorial service. They had a lunch that was a buffet style. He brought up things he knew about me that makes me , well me. He said I liked ham. Not too bad since I had a ham sandwich on my plate. Everything he said was correct. That got me thinking about all the little things that people do that makes them who they are.
Things that make my world go round.

1. I like to take hot showers. I come out all red. I like a nice hot shower, but this can be bad. When I camp and have to use a public shower, I find myself freezing because it’s not scalding hot.
2. I also tend to sing in the shower. Not all the time, but it seems to be only 2 or 3 songs that I sing over and over.
3. I am terrible at picking out something nice to wear. I never get it just right. I end up with half my clothes on the bed after trying things on until something works.
4. I don’t wear much makeup. I am not very good at makeup and don’t know why it cost so dang much. I like to keep it simple. I hate lipstick. It always comes off and I can’t see a guy wanting to kiss a girl that has globs of it on. There is something wrong with a product that can stick to a drinking glass even after being washed in the dish washer. No need to say more.
5. I vacuum too much. I hate a dirty floor. Depending on my time I can vacuum daily to once a week. I don’t think I can stand it any longer than that. I will find a blade of grass on the carpet and that gets me thinking. What else has been dragged in? When you see how much I pick up with all that vacuuming, you would understand why I do it so often.
6. I don’t mind doing laundry. Putting it away is a different story. I wash everything. I have a towel on the couch so the dogs don’t get it dirty. I wash that all the time. I take down the curtains and wash them. Bathroom rugs…. I could go on and on.
7. I hate doing dishes. I don’t like anything about it.
8. I like making dinner. I don’t make anything fancy, but I would rather eat home cooked food than eat out all the time. I don’t like cleaning up after dinner.
9. Like to bake things. Bread, cookies, and cupcakes. I bake something and give it all away to co-workers and friends. It makes me feel good when they are happy I baked something for them.
10. I like to make a homemade vegetable soup and bake homemade bread to have with it. Yummy.
11. I like to plant flowers. Everything looks better with flowers. I want a house with a lush green yard.
12. I would like a chunk of land with a lush yard, big old shade trees, and a koi pond. I want a big garden and maybe a duck to swim in the pond.
13. I like to grow a garden. I am always frustrated that I have such a small junky area to grow a garden right now. One day I will have a great garden.
14. I would rather have a bowl of strawberries than a bowl of ice cream for dessert.
15. I don’t care for chocolate that much. If something is dipped into it or it’s inside something then it’s ok. I could never eat a Heresy’s chocolate bar. A Heresy’s kiss it too much for me.
16. I like to take pictures. I just snap away at anything I like. Mostly its trees, flowers, my dogs, and motorcycles racing.
17. I like the mountains better than the beaches. I would much rather go to a lake than the ocean.
18. My favoriate thing to do at Bass Lake is float on a raft all day.
19. I like to take the waverunner out on the lake, but it’s old and the lake is rough. This makes for a bouncy wet ride. I wake up and hit the lake right at the time you can go any speed. The lake is like glass. I love to take a spin around the lake smelling people cooking breakfast and the pine air.
20. I am a firm believer that bacon makes anything taste better.
21. I am always cold and love a good quilt to cuddle under after a long day of work.
22. I wear flip flops all summer long. I hate to go back to work, because I have to put shoes on again.
23. I like to wear different charms on a necklace, and change them often.
24. I want to travel as much as I can and see all that there is to see.
25. I have never put a limit on what I can do. If I want to do something, then I will find a way and work hard to get it. Life is what you make of it.
26. I love my family.
27. I am who I am. I don’t put up a front. What you see is what you get. I don’t care what someone thinks of how I look when I come off the track. I will be sweaty, hot, hair a mess, and stinky from over 100 degrees all day in a leather suit. :-)
28. I have a hard time making girl friends. Most don’t like to do what I like to do. I am always looking for a girl to hang with.
29. If you become a friend of mine, you are a friend for life. I will always be there for you.
30. I enjoy a nice day with the sun on my face. The sound of the birds and the smell of the grass.
31. I almost forgot, I also like to watch boxing on TV.
That's it for now. Hope you learned a little something about me.

I like to bake cookies.

I love planting flowers

My yummy vegetable soup.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crash: What's New?

Here are some pictures and a bit of an update to what's going on at the end of the 4th month of my recovery.

I got a riding boot on my swollen foot!!!! Wow
4 months

4 months

Acupuncture visits are down to one a week :-)

Here are some pictures of my acupuncture. The most needles I had at one time was 10. Normal amount was 6-8. I am now down to 4. They don't hurt for the most part, but there are areas that killed.


I am happy to say that I have always been one to wear the best gear that I can. I always tell new riders that they need to invest in proper gear that fits well. The gear I had on saved me from other injury.
You can't imagine the looks people give us that are not used to seeing people in riding gear. Our weekend rides turn into a freak show when we stop for lunch at at In-n-Out. It's pretty funny. And to all the people that ask..... Yes, it is hot in the gear in summer. Also, no it is not warm to wear a leather suit in winter. Notice all of us having hot chocolate.

Right side of helmet.

Left side of helmet

Same area

Front left side of helmet.

Left side

Left side, back of leather suit.

Front left side.

Left shoulder.

Left glove
That's it for now. I am just starting to walk on my own. I bring my crutch with me in the car, but I am trying to go without it. I hope that I will pick up speed now that I can start to learn to walk and balance. I miss my life. I can't wait to be the old me again.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

You Quack Me Up

Awwwww so we meet again!

Let me take you back in time to when I was working at Disneyland when I was around 19-21 years old. I went to school full time, I ran cross country and track. I also worked weekends, holidays, and all summer at Disneyland. I was pretty much always tired and hungry for that matter. I used to work closing shifts so that I could avoid the crowds and the heat. The only problem with that is if you worked until 2:30 AM, your lunch break was after all the restaurants were closed. I would just pack my dinner and eat it in a break room. One day I bit into my sandwich and noticed that something was wrong. My dad and left me a sweet note IN my sandwich. The ink bleed out into my food making it inedible. His joke left me without dinner that night. My dad has always liked to play little jokes here and here. Simple ones like moving something on some ones desk without telling them for months and months. Bigger tricks like seeing a coworkers shoes in a bathroom stall and turning off the light leaving them in pitch black as they are most vulnerable. I can go on forever.

As of late there has been this little duck that has been the object of humor. I have no idea where he found it. I have no idea why he picked it up. I also have no idea why he keeps hiding it in my things. I visit with my parents and find this little duck stashed in my purse, bag of oranges my mom picked for me, or in my car some place. Now and then I find it before I leave the house. I once found it in my coat pocket as I was about to leave. I of course had to find some place to stash it without him noticing. That little duck has been back and forth between our houses I don't know how many times. This has to be at least a year of random duck deliveries. I can't help but laugh at the duck when I see it. Not only for the fact that this ugly duck toy has been passed to me without me knowing, but for the fact that I don't know why. How did this all start? Well, I know one thing. I am not going to be the one left with it. I have to plot and scheme it's return. My fine feathered friend has not see the last of the Harsen home. It will find it's way back.
Oh and dad, I love you too.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Ever wonder what Lisa is up to?

The End.