Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crash: What's New?

Here are some pictures and a bit of an update to what's going on at the end of the 4th month of my recovery.

I got a riding boot on my swollen foot!!!! Wow
4 months

4 months

Acupuncture visits are down to one a week :-)

Here are some pictures of my acupuncture. The most needles I had at one time was 10. Normal amount was 6-8. I am now down to 4. They don't hurt for the most part, but there are areas that killed.


I am happy to say that I have always been one to wear the best gear that I can. I always tell new riders that they need to invest in proper gear that fits well. The gear I had on saved me from other injury.
You can't imagine the looks people give us that are not used to seeing people in riding gear. Our weekend rides turn into a freak show when we stop for lunch at at In-n-Out. It's pretty funny. And to all the people that ask..... Yes, it is hot in the gear in summer. Also, no it is not warm to wear a leather suit in winter. Notice all of us having hot chocolate.

Right side of helmet.

Left side of helmet

Same area

Front left side of helmet.

Left side

Left side, back of leather suit.

Front left side.

Left shoulder.

Left glove
That's it for now. I am just starting to walk on my own. I bring my crutch with me in the car, but I am trying to go without it. I hope that I will pick up speed now that I can start to learn to walk and balance. I miss my life. I can't wait to be the old me again.

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