Wednesday, May 26, 2010

After work fun

I never ride after work. I mostly ride on Sundays and now a little on Saturdays. Today I did my first after work ride and it was up GMR and back. Felt a little weird at first, but it was nice. Too bad the bicyclist would rather get killed than move over to the side. I even honked nicely to let them know I was coming (not like they can’t hear me) Oh well.

Here is the video from the ride CLICK HERE.


xoxoxoxox Have a wonderful day!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Supermoto fun

Had a little fun with my buddy Mike and another rider this weekend. It was our normal ride on the supermotos. I had new tires so I was going slower at the start of the ride but started to pick it up as the day went on. I always ride my supermoto like a sportbike. I hang off the side. I turn left, I hang left. After my first Sumo race I started to lean the bike left and I would stay on top of it. All new to me. Don’t know where that came from, but that’s what I should be doing. I went on one other ride just after my race, and my brain was fighting itself. Lean with it or push it? I was not feeling it. This time I leaned the bike and stayed on top and it seemed so much easier. I felt very slow since I was not really working. I went through a tight section and it felt effortless. I told Mike I felt slow, but he said I was moving right along. I guess I may have figured something out.

Here are videos from our guest rider. ( the start of the ride)

:-) xoxoxoxoxoxo


Monday, May 17, 2010

East Coast Trip

Can you find me?

All my pictures click HERE

I believe this was my 5th or 6th time going taking students on the Washington DC trip. I enjoy the trip very much. I look forward to it every year. We go to Williamsburg VA, Gettysburg PA, Philadelphia PA, Washington DC, and New York. We also stop in other areas. It’s amazing how much we see in a day. The days seem long since we get about 5 hours of sleep a night, but since we see so much it feels like we are gone forever. When I look back to the first days of the trip is seems like it was weeks ago. My favorite place is less crowded and more wooded areas of Virginia. I love the trees, and rivers that are all over. The town of Williamsburg is so cute. I also like Gettysburg. I think it’s so pretty, yet tragic there. I can just see thousands of bodies laying on the ground in the hot July weather. I can feel the pain of the men fighting, and the fear of the poor town people. One who lost her life as she tried to make bread. Until you are there and hear the numbers of people that died in one charge that may have only lasted one hour, you will never know. I also like Thomas Jefferson’s home and George Washington’s home. Both are so beautiful. I don’t know what one I like better. I love Jefferson’s views but I love that Washington’s house is on a river. I never knew I would like to live next to a river until I saw that. I have always wanted a small little koi pond and a fountain of some sorts, but now I like the thought of a creek, river, or lake. How nice would that be?
The best is Michies tavern chicken dinner. That pretty much ties with my mom’s Thanksgiving dinner. The best meal ever. I think I ate more there this trip than I ever have. I only wish we had more time to spend there. Yummy.
DC is nice. I like all the things there. I am amazed that there are so many political people and jobs there. I don’t really see to much of that, but when you go there that’s all there is. It’s a town of busness suits and power ties. Everyone looks like they are going to fight for a bill to become a law. Lol
New York is my least favorite place. Not that I don’t like NY. I just hate taking the kids there. You try walking 90 people down time square. They are all 13 years old. It’s like herding long tailed cats through a room full of rocking chairs. They are all over the place and not paying attention to you because they are looking at all the things around them. Don’t mind that the light is red and your still about to walk in the crosswalk. A New Yorker will run you over and feel good about it. Lol The best part of NY is when we let the kids shop in Time Square and the adults get to go to the street fair a few blocks up and look around. I think you can just about eat yourself to death each block of the fair. Problem is it’s about 10 blocks long. The food is amazing.
After all that go go go go go pace, I find myself crashing. I am still tired. So here you go. I’m tired and want to go to bed now. Enjoy my link with all my pictures. I did not edit them so you will see all I took.


Monday, May 03, 2010

Things that take your breath away

There are things in life that just stop you in your tracks and make you see the power of nature and people. One thing that comes to my mind is Yosemite. The best part is the first time someone drives through a long tunnel and they see the majesties of what a glacier has done millions of years ago. Cutting though stone it left a piece of art that no person can create.

Also in Yosemite there are the giant trees. I find myself drawn to them. How amazing they are. They are the most noble of living things. They stand tall and proud for hundreds of years with shallow roots. Only their sheer strength holds them up until it is their time to finally rest.

People also amaze me. You never know what someone can do.

How about the power of the voice.........

You never know what life will bless you with. You never know what gift someone has inside them. Great things can come in small packages. Open your eyes to the ones in your life and enjoy the magic that they bring. Live, Laugh, Love…….


