Monday, May 24, 2010

Supermoto fun

Had a little fun with my buddy Mike and another rider this weekend. It was our normal ride on the supermotos. I had new tires so I was going slower at the start of the ride but started to pick it up as the day went on. I always ride my supermoto like a sportbike. I hang off the side. I turn left, I hang left. After my first Sumo race I started to lean the bike left and I would stay on top of it. All new to me. Don’t know where that came from, but that’s what I should be doing. I went on one other ride just after my race, and my brain was fighting itself. Lean with it or push it? I was not feeling it. This time I leaned the bike and stayed on top and it seemed so much easier. I felt very slow since I was not really working. I went through a tight section and it felt effortless. I told Mike I felt slow, but he said I was moving right along. I guess I may have figured something out.

Here are videos from our guest rider. ( the start of the ride)

:-) xoxoxoxoxoxo



Mike R. said...
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Mike R. said...

If you keep figuring things out I am going to have to put a Big bore kit back in my bike so I can keep up with you!Now stop it cause everyone knows girls can't go fast ! LOL Well some can.