Friday, June 24, 2011

Start of Summer

So I went to Walmart today. I have to go to Napa to go to a Walmart, but this is what I saw on my drive. Not too bad.
She wanted to say hello to me so I stopped for a bit to chew the cud.

Darrick's favoriate after work place to eat. I think he pays the rent there since he eats there so much.

I don't know why I always laugh at that sign. "Slims auto repair".

Makes me want to have a picnic under this tree. That or there needs to be some critters out there. Sheep, cows, something. :-)

Cool old cars driving around.
I want this car. I could pull people over.
A day around the house.

Zero is one brave cat.
I enjoy taking pictures. This song makes sense when you see that bee picture.

CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<

Taking the new boat to Lake Berryessa.

Loving the boat!
I could get used to this.
So could I.

Love my little girl. She did great on the boat.
Lets see what she's got.
At home on the water.
Happy happy.
Time in the yard.

My first official day of summer started with a cold. I’m not going to let that get me down so off to the store for flowers. I can’t wait until they fill in. I really enjoy working in the yard. Not only does it makes things pretty, but it is good exercise. I love to look back, and say to myself “I did that.” It’s a good feeling.

I had a hard year this year. Work was hard and home was hard. I am very much looking forward to enjoying nature and myself. I work hard; I try to be the best person I can. I enjoy my family, and my friends. My motto this summer is “Life is what you make of it.” I’m putting on my happy face, and taking time to stop and smell the roses. Knowing me, it’s more like stop and take pictures of the roses.

Here is to the smell of sun block, sand on my feat, tan lines, lunch on the dock, the smell of water, the sounds of boats, giggles from kids on a tube, and water up my nose. Summer here I come!

More to be added............


Friday, June 17, 2011

A Dogs Day

It’s been a bit cool here in the Los Angeles area. June Gloom has been in full swing. Today was a nice cool morning giving way to the suns ray. My dog Sonoma thought she would enjoy the beauty of the suns warmth in the green soft grass. Add a little butterfly hunting, and the day is complete.

Sonoma's day in the yard.

What a nice day. Look at the pretty flowers.
Looks like it's time to take a break.
Did I see a butterfly?
Nope. Time to rest.
Enough sun on that side, time to flip over.

Wait, what? Did that butterfly just buzz me?

Oh this is just too stressful.

What a day!
