Monday, August 08, 2011

Lake it, Love it, Live it

I always love Bass Lake. It's such a nice place to go. It's one place that I always love to go to and makes me feel better. Happy Happy.

View of trees from the cabin deck. Not a bad place to sit huh?
Critters included at the Harsen Cabin outside seating area. LOL
Ok, I want to know. How has this log been here for so long? Everyone climbs on it to sink it. Then all but one jumps off as that one person rides up as it floats to the surface and then they jump. My mom did that when she was young. How can this be? I think it falls within the Bigfoot, Area 51, and the loch ness monster.

Sonoma was not too happy about the swimming part, but she loved cooling off.
I have my little girl.
All Tired out.
"Mommy, are you driving? I'll stay here so I don't bounce out. Better keep safe."

Wow, a little low for parking a boat.

I see you. Can you see me, in his eye?
Fishing is a snap at this lake. Just toss out some bread, and here they come.
Heaven knows I love ducks. Mommy, and the teens.

Nothing better than a nap in the sun.
Except maybe a good swim.

Ti Amo

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