Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Road to Recovery

Sometimes life gives you a road that is less traveled. Because of this, it tends to be a bumpy one, but there is a much better sense of accomplishment when the trip is over.
Severina is in the fight for her life. She is about to have open heart surgery to repair the holes in her heart that have left holes in ours. We love her more than anything. She is our gift from God. From experience, the harder it was for me to be successful at something, and the harder I worked at it, the more proud I was and looked back on it with more enjoyment. Severina has a rough road ahead, but I think her life will be one that when she is old and gray, she will look back on it with a smile and a sense of pride. She made it through something most in this world have no idea about. I saw a quote on Facebook from the person who's son is next to Severina in the hospital.

" Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you."

That's my little girl. I knew she would be a strong one after I felt her first kick. She is a fighter. She has love all around her. There is a group of parents that share stories of their child with heart problems. They call their children their "heart warrior" It's so true. They fight to breath. They struggle to eat. The heart pumps so hard it makes them sweat. They are more physical just sleeping than people running.
Severina, you amaze me. I love you more than I can ever express. You are a gift.

 Best day of my life.

 Our new family.
 You look so cute in pink. Guess I have to like pink now.
 Happy place is daddy's shoulder. 
 Oh, G'Ma's is nice also. 
 A happy Dream.
 The two people I love most in the world.
 I love my puppies.
 Mommy loves you.
 Pretty big eyes. 
 New in the hospital. Oh how our hearts were breaking. I stayed with her all that first night. Right by her side. 
 Daddy only feels good when she is asleep in his arms.
 Oh how I love you. Mommy make better. 
 Working all day, and with Severina most of the night. He is a devoted father.
 I had to make a quilt for her. She needs lots of love.

 My sweetie at rest. Ti Amo.
 I know you don't like it here. :-(
 What a great daddy. 
 The girls.
 Wish I could kiss and make it better. 
Severina hill. A heart on the hillside in Sonoma. Perfect. A great sign that all will be well.

One week from today she should have her open heart surgery. I want her to feel better and be fixed. I just hate knowing she will be in any pain. I wish it was me. Don't worry baby girl, you will get better soon. Mommy and daddy love you so very much.


Wednesday, August 01, 2012

A little story

I always thought it would be cool to write a kids book. I don't know why. That's pretty much me. Something pops into my head, and I don't know why, but I just want to do something weird. About a year ago I sat at my computer and wrote a story. Took me about 30 minutes. I saved it on the computer, and forgot about it. So here is my little story. It's not edited or changed. Just a 30 minute idea on paper. Enjoy seeing how my brain works. LOL

The adventure of Peter Petrol the octane mouse.

In a far away area of northern California there lays a deep thick forest of trees. Giant redwood trees grow tall and proud. The soft ferns fill the spaces between the trees like little umbrellas. This was a small town of farmer mice who took pride in their tiny hilltop town. His parents, Frank and Judy Petrol, run the market in town. They always hoped that Peter would follow in their footsteps by taking over the family business.  This is the home of Peter Petrol.
Every day, Peter, would walk the soft mossy trail to his family store in the hollowed out log. Along his way he could see the busy town of Clutchville. He loved to sit on the hillside and watch Clutchville. There was so much going on there, but what really caught Peter’s eye, was the nightly motorcycle races. He would peer down from his sleepy town of Ferndale to watch the action of the big city.  The sounds of the motorcycles filled the air. He would dream of himself riding in the big races, but how? How could he get a bike to race when his parents wont let him? He worked hard helping others in town to save for his motorcycle. He chopped wood, plowed fields, and helped pick berries for the farmers. He told his parents of his dreams. They told him he was crazy, and that he will be taking over the family business. He felt sad that his parents did not understand his dream and felt they did not care.
It was time. He packed his bag to head out to Clutchville. He was very excited, but knew it would be difficult. Peter worked helping at a motorcycle shop. He learned about motorcycles, and how to fix them. This is where he met Michelle Moto. She was the shop owner’s daughter who loved to ride motorcycles. They soon became best friends. Peter told Michelle of his dream of racing in the big motorcycle race, the Clutchville Classic that was going to be held in a few days. Michelle gave Peter her motorcycle so he could race. Now it was a matter of time. Peter used his savings to buy motorcycle clothing and a helmet. His gear was white with green. He loved the way he looked with his helmet and goggles on. He was ready for the big race.
It was the day of the big race as Peter and Michelle headed to the racetrack. Crowds of mice fill the stands. It was almost time to start the race when Michelle said,” I want you to use my race number 24 as your race number on your bike. It has always been lucky for me.”  Peter said he could not. Michelle said,” It’s your number now.”
There were rows of racer mice all ready to go. The green starting flag dropped and they all took off is a cloud of dust.  There were big dirt jumps, bumpy straight parts, and steep turns. This 10-lap race quickly came to an end. The crowd was eager to see who won, but the dust was think in the air. As it cleared there stood Peter Petrol. He was holding a trophy and the checkered flag. He had reached his dream of becoming a great racer.
He rushed home to share the news with his parents, but worried they would be mad at him for not staying to run the family business. After their tears and hugs he realized that they did love him. They did not want him to become a racer mouse because they were worried that he was going to get hurt, but they were so proud. They loved him all along. Now his trophy sits on the shelf of their grocery store, and out back is a little shop called Peter Petrol’s Motorcycle school. Peter now teaches other mice in his town the love of motorcycles. Never give up on your dreams.

Hope you liked it. 

xoxoxoxo :-)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby Love

Pictures of our little girl. She lights up our lives. We love her so much.