Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maui Baby Break

Our due date is quickly approaching. I thought it would seem like forever. 9 long months of not feeling well, getting bigger, and not being able to ride my motorcycle/snowboard sounded like forever. As the morning sickness and major fatigue passed, I was happy to moving along. Get me out of that first trimester!!!!! I have been enjoying my second trimester, but am growing in size. Darrick really wanted some time off, and to go on a trip together when it was still just the two of us. Hawaii was his dream place so we began to make plans. We quickly found that we had one thing or another going on. It was a fast decision to go and off we went. He has never been so he had no idea what island to go to. I have been to two that I enjoyed very much. What to pick. I went with Maui. Many people like that island. It has some nice beaches and seems to have a variety of things to do. Wish about a weeks’ notice we found ourselves packed and on a plane.

We stayed at the Sheraton Maui Resort. I picked it because it not only was a waterfront hotel that was high end, but had snorkeling right at its beach. There is an area called Black Rock that people go to. All we had to do was wake up and walk out. Lovely.

We landed in Maui to warm 80 degrees and a little humid. It was a wonderful escape from our 30 degree mornings. The fresh warm air filled our nostrils, as the sounds of birds filled the air. It was wonderful already. To his surprise it’s not a lush jungle. It has dry areas and forest areas. We were on the dryer side. I think he was a little disappointed. We got our rental car and made our way to the hotel. It was not as grand an entry as I thought. Very nice, but I was thinking waterfalls and such. We made our way to our budget room expecting views of the hills, when we were pleasantly surprised to find a partial ocean view with trees, and golf course. Very nice. It was pretty windy the first few days. They had Kona Winds. The calm side of the island was getting all the wind. This made for stronger currents, and bigger waves. When we went to the beach we decided that I better not go in. Too strong. He went it and promptly said, “Its freezing.” He thought it would be very warm. It was, but not like he thought. I was worried that he was not enjoying himself. It only took a little while to unwind and find out rhythm. We did the road to Hana and finished the whole loop around the island. We took a boat out to snorkel two places, but found ourselves in the middle of a whale watching trip. It’s whale season there on the island, and that means whales all over. You can sit on the beach while watching whales jump in the water. You can see the spray from their blowhole. What made it even more fun was snorkeling off the beach in front of our hotel seeing fish, turtles, and HEARING the songs of the whales. You can hear them calling each other. It was truly amazing.