Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year! 2012

Darrick and I headed to Bass Lake for some time off. He works so hard. He hardly gets time off. He works 12-18 hour days. He needed some time off with not much to do. Off to the lake we went. We went to Yosemite for the day, and had a nice time. I was happy there was no snow so we could see all of the park we could in a day.
New Years was a sleep in day. Lunch, a movie, massage, and dinner. We were able to stay up to watch the ball drop in NY then off to sleep. Not a big party, but sure was nice.
Little Sonoma had a nice time at the cabin.

Belly picture. 19 weeks along, with Peanut in tow. Too bad he/she can't see the pretty view. Good thing is Peanut is warmer than anyone there.

Bath time in ice cold water.

Making a funny face because he is afraid of heights ( I know. He can jump a motorcycle 30 feet in the air, but cant climb a ladder. ) He did great considering that it was a sheer drop to the valley floor.
"Hurry, take the dang picture. Get me out of here. "

Lazy bum.
Other lazy bum.

Happy New Year to all I love.

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