Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Wonderful Brother

Many of you have not met my brother yet. I am lucky to have someone as special as him for a brother. He is a graphic designer and has a gift for photography. One of my favorite things is looking at the pictures he takes. He has a blog, (that's how I got started on all this) and post his pictures there. Well, pictures and his thoughts. Now I know what goes on in that head of his. Impressive really. I am surprised at all the places and things he knows about. I aspire to look into the world around me like he does. Enjoy his Blog and the wonderful pictures he takes. Oh and check out the Elvis party my family went to.
Thanks for being a great brother Eric! :-)

1 comment:

Eric said...

Hey, what's with all the compliments?! I was just checking out your blog and all these sweet and flattering things you wrote caught me off guard!

Thanks for the nice things you wrote- they leave me humbled. The feelings are mutual; I'm glad you're my sister and I'm proud of who you are and what you do. I'm especially impressed with the what you do for your students. If they only knew about Dirt Squirt, Scuz, etc... ;)

Thanks, Lisa.