Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy 4th

Mom, Eric, Auntie Linda, Miles and I made our way to enjoy the long holiday weekend. It was a nice hot weekend. Perfect for floating and dipping your feel in the lake. We started off our trip with the Loggers Jamboree, an annual event in North Fork. We watched people cut logs, toss axes, and jump over logs. If you think that might be interesting, you should see the folks that come to the show. You have your locals, and your back woods people. There is a large Indian population in the town also. It was a mix of just about everyone. I loved people watching.

I don’t know how long it has been since I have been to Bass Lake during the Fourth of July. They have a wonderful firework show on the lake. They have a dock that they float out on the water that is the launch pad for the wonderful fireworks. The bright colors light up the night ski and sparkle off the water. The thunderous boom echoes through the canyon like nothing I have ever heard. The feel of America is everywhere. There is a parade of boats that have flags and lights all over them that start the show. They circle the lake as everyone waves from the shorelines. Most cabins have flags and banners of red, white, and blue. It has been a long time since I have seen so many American flags. It was nice to see.

We spent most of our time hanging out on the dock, feeding ducks, getting sun burnt, and taking the Waverunner out. Linda took a turn out on the Waverunner for the first time.
Miles and Eric went for a bike ride on mountain trails. Seems they ran into some hunters that inspired them to peddle faster. Hahahaha

I have yet to find a place that I love more than Bass Lake. It could be all the childhood memories. Maybe it is the feel of total relaxation. I don’t know, but I love how I feel when I am there. It’s nice to see that Miles is getting into the grove of how to enjoy the lake. It’s pretty much these simple steps. First wake up early to take the waverunner out on the glassy water. Then come back for breakfast. Veg out for a while, and then pack your lunch/snacks and head to the dock. Hang out there napping and reading a good book/magazine. Then come home at about 4PM to take a shower and a nap. Have a wonderful dinner, maybe catch a movie, watch TV and off to bed. Repeat. :- )
We did take walks, go for swims, and bounce around on the waverunner for some exercise.
It was a great weekend.

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