Sunday, June 06, 2010

Idyllwild on a hot day.

It has been some time since I have been on a ride to Idyllwild. I have only been there one other time, and that was less than fun. Last time, about 2 years ago, some random rider joined in our ride. Nothing wrong with that, until he is not paying attention to our friend right in front of him who is slowing for a cop. Pow, he hit our friend and took him out. He even has the nerve to say we did not have to call the cops to make a report. Seems that the cop that was giving tickets was not the same one that could make an accident report. Sheesh! Good thing he got the report since his bike was a mess and after riding home he found out he had a broken ankle.
After that mess a rider that was part of the club that had been MIA for years ( my first time meeting the guy) thought he would join us. So after my friend got hit on his bike, we find ourselves rounding a corner with a giant dust cloud. Two things can happen at this point. You pray someone over shot the corner and is upright in the dirt. The other option is that they crashed out, and you don’t even let yourself think that until you see it with your own eyes. Sure enough, he had crashed big. He was riding over his head, and paid the price. Broken bones, ribs, punctured lung, weeks in the hospital………. What a mess.
This brings me to today. Since my one and only time on that road was a mess, I was going to take it a bit easy. Even Mike was having an off day. I knew his arm would kill if he rode his other bike. There was a newer rider that got lost. Not sure how. He just made a turn on a random road. ??? We found him and were on our way again. ( He also blew a turn and went into the other side of the lane as a car was coming. I was trying to lead him slowly through the turns, but wow. I was looking in my mirror saying to myself," Oh no, oh no, dont blow the turn.... Oh a car.... Oh no..... Oh man! What the heck are you doing?" I think I went about 20 MPH after that leading the guy so there was no way he could blow a turn. Then we lost another rider that did not see what way we went. We found him. The restaurant we wanted to eat at was closed so we had to turn around.
As a whole the day was nice. It was hot, but the fresh pine air of Idyllwild reminded me of Bass Lake. I really missed the lake when I was up there. I hope to spend a lot of time at the lake this summer. I sure could use the R and R. Now I find myself day dreaming of riding my bike at the lake. I have always wanted to do that. Can you believe I have yet to? Also, enjoying the water. I love to hang out on the dock. I need to get the Waverunner going. Now look what you have gone and done. You got me thinking of the lake when I was talking about a ride. It’s still hot and hot in the house so I will keep thinking of the lake. Bye for now.

Videos from the ride.

Just starting up the hill.
Still going up the hill

Hard to ride and see if the camera is on without crashing, LOL. Heading down the hill. (Dave, would you pull over so I can pass. I know you looked in your mirror two times. Don't say you did not see me. I saw you seeing me. LOL)What you cant tell is that I am right on him. The wide angle lens makes me look far away and the turns not as sharp as they really are.

XOXOXOXOX Have a wonderful day!


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