Monday, August 09, 2010

Summer Fun

This has been a hard summer. I have been going through a lot. I find myself sad most of the time and have been trying to snap out of it. The last few weeks have been a blessing. I was able to go to the lake for a little Waverunner fun. I had a good time that week and got a tan. I missed all last summer due to foot surgery so I was pretty ghost like. I forgot how fast I get tan. I am not used to looking so brown.

Here is a video of me on the Waverunner.

I then went to two track days. I was eager to go since it was going to be on a killer supermoto, I got to meet a pro woman race (that also broke her foot), hang out with a great friend, and enjoy a beautiful area of the country, Sonoma. (Sonoma the town not my dog named Sonoma, LOL) The company was great and the three of us laughed it up, rung it out, and gobbled good yummies at the track. Infineon Race Way was the first stop. It was a supermoto day at the kart track. We started off going counter clockwise for two sessions, but had to go the other direction after that. I found it slower and harder to go the other way. I was a little frustrated at first because one turn was kicking my butt. I never did get the hang of that strange turn, but I had a good time. I did make one mistake. I went a little too much on tires that I did not know where that cold. Down I went. I felt the slip of the tire and knew I was going down. The first thing to come to my mind was that this is not my bike and now I’m messing it up. I picked up the bike, and tried to get off the track. I felt bad to see my friend running out to help. You always worry when someone crashes. That’s what’s so great about track people. They are always willing to help and really care. The best bunch of people. I have met more nice people through riding than anywhere else. I was fine. Just a bump and bruise on my hip and elbow. I sat out for a little bit and went back out to enjoy the day. I did make sure the tires were warm and really tried to work that corner that I fell down in. Can’t have it get the best of me. I had a wonderful time and the woman racer was super cool. It was great to find a like minded person. Since I feel that I march to a different drum, it’s not easy to find people that see and do life like I do.

Here is the video of me falling. Oops..... Did I do that?

The next day was Thunderhill. That track is killer at first. Lots of blind hills that drop into a turn that you can’t see. Took it slow at first, but started to really like the track on the supermoto. I got passed on the straights and found I hardly had to shift down in the turns. I could take them pretty fast. People held me up in turns. What a great experience. More laughs, more munching on food, and a good steak dinner to end the day. I sure was tired that night, and it felt good to sleep so well.

I had a prolonged stay up north due to car issues. I did get to go to a fair to see my two favorite things. Flowers and Critters. The flowers sure were nice, and the critters sure were cute. I like going to the fair. I don’t like the one in my area that much since it seems to be mostly about buying things. I did not enter bread this year, and now wish I had. Oh well. I enjoy a fair that has things people enter. Pictures, food, crafts, and animals. That’s a fair. Family fun for all.

Since I was north and mom wanted to go to the lake, we quickly made a run to the lake. I enjoyed the drive to the lake and seeing new places. I also made great time. I always enjoy the lake and have a good time with my mom. We did the normal things we do, walk to the Pines, shop, eat, shop, look at flowers, shop, eat, float, walk Mollie, eat, float, float, float…………..
So now that I am back I have all my laundry to do, bills to pay, and things to catch up on. Enjoy some pictures of my adventure.

Thunderhill. Trying to get the most out of the bike.
Pretty huh? Yeppers, I know. Pretty much the best bike I have ever been on. Fun, strong, and sounds very good.

Pro woman rider (don't want to use her name) first time on a supermoto. I think she really liked it.

Met this little die hard moto rider at a race not too long ago. Max is his name. He loves riding more than anything. It's so cute. He was upset he got a flat tire. He is only like 4-5 years old. He was telling me about high siding and low siding a bike. Too funny. I also like his name since it was my grandfathers name as well. Ride on little Max!

This is how you do that. Enough said. It was cool watching so many good riders out at the track. Not that there were many people there, but the ones that were there are good. I love this sport and want to get better at it. Watching people do a skill well is a great tool to help yourself learn. I always watched better High Jumpers jump so I can see what they are doing that I am not.

Looking over the bike and making sure it's ready for the track. She just bought that bike and was taking it out for the first time. She sure can go fast.

Oh yeah baby, let me out there! LOL

Can't see my smile, but it's there.

Here I go......

"Oh wow, look at the flowers......."

I love to plant flowers. I could do that all day. It sure was fun to see what people do with them.

Cute huh?

There was even and inside section of flowers. A whole building of color.

I could sit there all day.

Italy anyone?

Too cute for words.

Mooooooooooooove over a little would you?

Hand made goodies.

Mom enjoying the lake.

Not too many ducks this time. I brought stuff to feed them, but did not use it all.

Mom, and Mollie going for a float.

Tired after her float.

Getting some sun.

Love to all my family.

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