Thursday, July 01, 2010

Camping flash back

The Pines dining hall

The new Ducey's. The old one burnt down so they built one on the water font by the Pines.

The Pines.

The 4th of July at the lake.

The orginal Ducey's. After the long drive, it was great to see the building, and go inside to cool off.


Front of old Ducey's.

The Forks. It has not changed at all.
Here is a picture I took not too long ago.

McDougald's is now Millers Landing. Pretty much the same also.

When I was young my family would always go camping at bass Lake. Most of the time we would have a trailer that we would pull and camp in that. That is if the truck did not break down getting there. Why did all the trucks break down? I could not wait to get there. Once we reached Oakhurst I would get excited. Then we would see the lake and wonder how full it was that year. We would cross the falls bridge and then see the sign, “Welcome to Bass Lake.” Then Duceys campground was on the left. We would pull in after a long drive up. My brother and I would lay on boards in the back of the truck. The truck had a camper shell, but it was hot driving through Fresno in July! Here are some old photos I found of the lake. Enjoy.

Here is a link to a song that goes out to all the people that love lakes and the smell of water like I do. If you don't know what I am talking about when I say I love the smell of water, then spend some time on a dock or a boat and take a big sniff. If you know what I am talking about this song is for you.
I hope to spend time at the lake this summer. It's so wonderful.
I thought I might add a few water bloopers to this post since this is post is about a lake. I don't know what it is about bloopers, but they crack me up.
Lets add a little Jet Ski action...

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