Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Supermoto Testing

I love supermoto.

Pretty track.
If I did a wheelie like that I would be crying. I have done some, but always by accident in a race.

Full speed ahead.
The back wheel slides as he enters the turn. This it supermoto. I have yet to learn that. It's a very slow process. I am happy to take it step by step.

I am blessed to have a bike that has been built and set up for me for a track bike. This way I don't wear out my street bike. It is also a beast. Most of the stuff on it, I don't even understand yet, but it's fast and flickable. I am very thankful. The next race is about 4 weeks away and I needed to test it out. Like I said, it's a beast and if I can't ride it and it's not safe enough for me then there is a problem. So off I went with a cold in tow to test the bike. It was cold, a little wet, and a bit slippery. The bike was amazing, and it was wondering when the rider was going to ride it like it should. The motor makes a "Brap" sound when you give it gas unlike the "vroom" of my street SXV. It launches down the straights as if I was not on the bike. Smooth, strong, this bike pulls me along for the ride. All I did was try to direct the bike through the turns as it pops as I let off the gas, and groans as I carefully give it gas as not to light up the rear tire and spin it. I don't want to make a mistake and land on my head. Easy in, smooth through, and twist slowly out of the turn. You can hear me coming. It's pretty much a factory bike. I feel lucky to have be one of the few people that have been able to ride a bike that is built as good as a bike can be built. Thank you.

I seem to always find something I want to take a picture of. Mostly it's animals, flowers, rolling hills, and bikes. Here is what I saw test weekend.

" So, you come here often? I have this great little nest if you would like to come back with me and check it out."
Don't you just love barns?
What was once big is now small. This tree wont let something like most of it missing stop it from growing.
What are you looking at. I'm eating here.
I see something. I wont move so you can't see me about to pounce on my prey.
Don't slip and fall on the cold track.
Easy does it.
Love this turn, wish I could throw it in.
" Hang on to them hats and glasses couse' this here is the wildest ride in the wilderness."
Here I come!!!!!!

:-) xoxoxoxoxoxo to my family.

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