Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sonoma Christmas

Colors of Sonoma.

Sonoma Creek.
A pretty flower.
Here is Zero. Yes, his name is Zero. Darrick said he wanted to get a cat and there was a lady at work that had just rescued one and needed to find it a home. Darrick was coming to down for a race that very weekend. It all worked out for the cat. Now he has a home, and has no problem tearing it to pieces. A happy ending.

100 snowmen all in a circle.
This is called the Christmas House. A family has opened their house up for over 20 years to anyone that wants to come see it. They have over 120,00 lights. Over 35,00 people visit each year. It takes them 4 months to decorate the house.

Heavenly ski resort in Tahoe.

I made some nice friends.
Cool little town. Would have been better if it was not raining.

First time on skis in 16 years, and needs knee surgery. Not bad at all.
South Tahoe.

Welcome to Lake Tahoe!

Sonoma County area.

Sonoma Mission

Sonoma Square.

Train Town in Sonoma.

Valley of the Moon.

Love these cows.

Napa Arts.

So far I am enjoying my time up north. It's been raining a lot, but back home has been getting more rain than here. I am love how pretty everything is here, and how green it is. I will finish more later.

Love Lisa


1 comment:

Mike R. said...

It looks like you are having a wonderful Christmas break. Keep it up ! See Ya.