Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First race of the year and a happy place.

I want to start this with a big thank you to Darrick. He worked so hard to get bikes ready for me to ride. He worked long late hours to give me a chance to race this weekend. He also closed his shop to drive all the way down to support me. Thank you very much.
Darrick raced as well, but had to worry about his bike since he could not go through it like a race bike needs before a big race when you ride as hard as he does. With that on his mind he was still able to take the win. Way to go. Retired? Uh huh. lol

Here I am on the 550 that he built for me. Sick fast. Like riding a bull. You can feel the power under you and it puts you in your place. RESPECT is the key word for that bike at all times. The moment you forget that, your on your head.

Love the bike, fear the power. Ride it the best you can, and have fun.
Look out. Enter the 150. Small, light and hell on wheels. It's a smaller bike for having fun on smaller tracks. This happens to be one of the biggest supermoto tracks ever. LOL Full throttle almost all the time. Yippie Skippie!
Darrick,"How are the brakes?" Lisa,"I don't know. Good I guess. Did I use the brakes?"

Almost time for a race. Hanging in the pits just a little longer. Buddy Mike and Steve were there to offer much needed help.

"I don't know how much gas to give this thing since I have not practiced on it really. Don't want to wheelie it or worse."
Getting ready for practice.
Happy Valentines Day at the Happiest place on earth.

You quack me up.
The beauty of Disneyland.

"What's that? Oh yes, you can come home with me. Yes, you can stay in the house."
"So this goat walks into a bar.........."

Check out these ladies having a good time. They are all dressed up in their holiday best. Too cute. Too much, but too cute. I aspire to be like them when I get older.

Have a wonderful day. XOXOXOXOOX to my family.


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