Well, like normal, Stupid E had blown a gasket. Here is how it works. She does well for a while and then flips out. If she really messed up bad then she is pretty good for a little longer after that but like all ticking time bombs, she goes off eventually.
I am sure my faithful readers have been wondering what’s been going on with her. To tell you the truth she had settled down an accepted the roll of just working and doing her job instead of policing everyone else and what kind of job they do. She would get mad because she would think someone did not do something or said something about her. Problem is, she is our least productive person in the whole department. This brings me to today…….
Last week the department scheduled an all PE staff meeting to discuss any concerns anyone would have. I was out sick so I found out about it Monday. The department even bought chicken to feed everyone since it was going to be at lunch. Stupid E talked about stuff she could bring to the meeting. (Keep that in mind) Now it’s Tues and she is not at work. She called in that day. Ok, no biggie. We have a meeting. I even say she has been doing a good job with a few things. I always give kudos to anyone that does a good job. She had been doing better and I wanted to acknowledge it. We took minutes on the meeting as well.
Today the top spun off its axis. She told me that she forgot she had signed up for the day off weeks ago and forgot so she missed the meeting. I told her no big deal. It was just a simple meeting. Then she wants to talk to another PE teacher and started to raise her voice at him. Started to complain about the other assistants in our department. He said he did not want to discuss them and that all that needs to be said has been said. She stormed off and left her job to complain to the union. (also stated that if she was going to go to a PE meetings she needed union representation, Why would any good employ need that? Hummmmmmmm) She also yelled at her co-worker and waved her finger in his face because she said he did not tell her about the meeting. (Remember she asked if she could bring something to the meeting.) He did tell her. She came back to class late and was complain to her union on work time. Then she was complaining to the other women assistants when they should have been working. She started to cry and ran off again. Left her job to go to the office to complain. She was so upset that I had to deliver her glasses to her on MY LUNCH per the principal’s request. She then left for the day.
Why was she so mad about missing a meeting? What was the big deal? In her mind she thought that that “we talked about her”. Thus another good time to look in the mirror and think about why your mad and now one else is. It’s all just too much. So my day was spent collecting facts. Talking to people. Typing things up about this incident. Meeting about this incident, and emailing information about this incident. All this needless work for someone who is supposed to be helping the department. The department spent the day working on a problem she caused, as well as the fact that she left and we were short help for the department. We shall see where this goes. I know that no one wants to work with her and the teachers want to go to their union and the other assistants want to go their union over all this. All this over one person that can’t work with people, thinks people are always talking about her.
She even talked to the principal and the things she said. Wow. The senior teacher is retiring. She said that some other teacher that she does not like is now the head teacher. That’s news to us, and I am next in seniority. One person said that when they came to work and said hello to her she blew them off. When talking to the principal she said the exact opposite. I was only by chance that I knew that. It was just in reference to the fact that they knew that she was in a bad mood because of her attitude.
I could go on and on. What a mess. If you think middle school kids are hard to work with, think again.
That was yesterday, but today was a whole new ball game.
No one knew what today would bring or how Stupid E’s attitude was going to be. Everyone was planning his or her response to whatever way it would go. We all went into the day hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst. Stupid E seemed to be in control and was friendly. Makes you wonder how she could rip us a new one behind our backs one day and smile to our face the next. The day seemed to go ok but you can tell everyone was a little upset from yesterday.
Being that the last few days were a minimum day schedule Stupid E ends up working 40 minutes into lunch to make her full 3 hours. (I know. She causes all this trouble in just a 3-hour shift.) I saw her walk off today before her shift was over. I look out my door to see her half way down to the office with all her stuff. I called the office asking if she was supposed to leave and if she finished her whole shift. When she got there they sent her back to me. I opened the door (remember this is my lunch time) and she says right away,” I did not think you had anything for me so I went to the office to see if they had anything for me to do.” (She has to sign out in the office. I believe she went there just to leave early, like we have caught her doing before, and just hang out until its time to go and then sign out. ) So I said,” you just left work.” “I did not have my radio.” “But you walked by me in my office to leave.” Then she got mad, turned her back on me in the middle of the conversation and mumbled and walked away. She loudly and rudely with attitude says,” So is there something you want me to do Lisa?” “Excuse me, don’t raise your voice at me.” “ But I did not have my radio.” “You walked right by me and left without asking if we had anything to do, you just left.” I don’t appreciate you yelling at me.” “You raised your voice at ME” “No I didn’t.” “Yes you did, so is there something you want me to do Lisa.” “Well is there anything you want me to do?” “I just don’t even want to talk right now.” Said like a snotty person,” Guess I have to go to Mr. Weiss again….. You guys are always…. Mumble mumble…….” Off she went to the office to make a complaint.
HOW DARE YOU YELL AT ME WHEN YOU LEFT WORK AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!!!! So now I have said that she was hostile towards me and I won’t work with her. She was scheduled to work with me for two periods of the day. I had to change that. I will not work with a person who dose not get that their job description is to assist teachers and follow their directions. I moved a bunch of dirty equipment out of our storage room to put in an outside bin. We wont be using it so I was freeing up space that we need. I did all the work. I was covered with dirt. I cleaned it up. My pants were brown with dust. My hands black. I asked her to move it because she was working during a time that no one else was. I had it all ready to go. She complained that I was “giving her all this work to do”. I had a box of swim noodles. That weighs like, what, 3oz total? I mean really! Another thing was on a rolling cart, and that was empty boxes. Poor thing has to do her job. Never have I seen someone try to get out of working as much as this lady. Lazy, lying…Piece of SPECIAL. Oh, and since she got upset yesterday, the other two assistants did it. She was crying in the office how we all don’t like her. How we pick on her. She does not like to work, and she things we all hate her and talk about her. Now I ask you, why would you want to stay in a job like that. It’s been like this for YEARS. I hope this is the end of one person tearing up a department that runs smoothly. Only one person has a problem. Only one person gets upset. Only one person causes everyone else to do more work and walk on eggshells. STUPID E!
Day Three
Once again she is on the roll. This time when the teacher said something was going to be difficult she ran to the office (again on her work hours) with her union person and said he told her he was going to make things difficult for her. Wow. We are all a little tired of it all.
My job was to go back to all the notes on her that I was told to take and turn in. Sad part is, they start in 2007. So once again I bring out my notes from year after year. Let's see what happens............