Monday, April 04, 2011

Who was that masked man?

Who is that? Darrick is his name. Hard work and fun is his game. Here are the CliffsNotes………………

Here we go down this random path of work and play.
Winner? We will see more of his car racing later.
He enjoys nature and working out. He can see the beauty of the world around him and enjoys finding ways to be out in it.
He thought he would give racing sprint cars a try. Seems he was very very good at it. Lets not mention the time where his car flipped too many times to count. After awhile it seemed it was time to hang up the tires, and let others drive a car that weighs nothing and is pretty much all motor.
Too much power for anyone. Wheels off the ground.
He lives in Sonoma where the beauty of wine country is as far as the eye can see. He moved there when it was still filled with cows grazing on what is now vineyards. This is where his hard work comes into play. He bough this house in his early 20"s. Work hard, save, and reap the rewards.
Here is his shop Jagman. He works 12-18+ hours. He works hard, and has a long time customers. He has no employes. He does all the work himself. Paperwork, phone calls, and wrench work.

He has been riding dirt since he was a kid. He raced and was very successful.

Patiently going with me in the dirt on this tiny bike so he can go as slow as I was.
He can be silly and funny.
He skis. It's not snowboarding, but that's ok. LOL
He loves good food. Breakfast he loves. That boy can eat a ton. Be careful, you may end up missing a finger.
He loves boats. He pretty much always has a boat. He loves to waterski. He used to take a lunch break and ski. Then go right back to work.
He has not ridden on the street much. He is new to it. Countless hours of dirt riding and track riding kept him busy. Now he likes to take rides enjoying the area he lives in.
He is a retired Supermoto racer. He has reached a very high level of racing in this area as well. The Grandfather of Supermoto is what he has been called. He even taught a school and now will do private lessons if he is available.

He is very kind and knows that I love racing and supermoto. He built me bikes to race and is very helpful at my races. He made the trip from Sonoma to San Diego to race with me and let me race the bikes he so kindly built. Thank you.
He loves animals. He said he wanted a cat. I then kept and eye open for one that may be in need of a home. I think there are enough cats that it should be a rescue cat. I saw on m y friends Facebook page that she found a cat and needed to find a home for it since she already too many cats. So I surprised him with his new little buddy. Zero is his name. They have fast become best buds.
There is more to share, but time will slowly reveal more fun facts.

xoxoxox to my family.

1 comment:

Mike R. said...

I've met the guy and will admit even I like him!