Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fair Fun

It’s time for the fair!

I have entered bread in the Los Angeles County Fair for the last two years. It was now time to try my hand at the Sonoma County Fair. This is a true fair. Sheep, cows, rides, fried food, pictures, and other homemade things. I entered sheepherder’s bread, and cornbread. I am happy to say that I got second with the bread and third with the cornbread. I did not think I would do well since it was my first time entering and I did not know how it all worked here. I am happy with my results and I am aiming for first place next year. I’m going to make garlic rosemary bread.

Darrick was very excited about me entering the fair. He really wished he could have been with me when I went to drop my entries off, but he had to work. He texted me the next day asking if I won anything. I informed him that I had to go to the fair to see how I did. Too cute. Of course we had to go the first day the fair opened, he was more excited than I was.

I just love the flowers they have.

Don't you just want to go out and buy some old rusty truck, and plant all around it? How cute is this? I loved it.

These people are so creative.

The sounds of giggles and screams carry across the park all the way out to the parking lot.

Could you believe I had the will power to keep walking and not Whac-A-Mole? It was hard, but I was just strong enough. hahahahahaaha
Heart attack on a plate.
Who does not love to go on a ride that spins you, flips you, or drops you after eating all that junk food? Good times right there.
I am pretty sure she was telling me," A little more to the left. Now higher...."
As you can see Darrick is one brave man. Flip Flops in a barn. Oh brother.
Father and son getting the youth cattle entry ready for his son's high school group. Super cool.
How amazing is this cows spot? It looks like an old sheriff's star. It was really pretty.

Awwwww the babies are so cute.

They had a fireworks show. It was so so.

I have hay on my face? Where? Did I get it? No? Did I get it now? Still no? How about now? Are you kidding me? ( I think this one is related to Darrick.)
This was some crazy bubble thing. They put you in a bubble and you do your best impersonation of a hamster. It was weird, but fun to watch. They were just floating around in that pool.

Well, don't have too much fun looking around. Gee. LOL

Don't worry, there is some more at home. You don't have to raid the glass case.
Yippie that's mine!

Wow, my cornbread won something as well. Lucky me.
:-) xoxoxoxoxox

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