Saturday, July 09, 2011

God Bless The USA

Listen to this song first.

This Blog post is dedicated to all of those who have ever contributed to this nation. From the very first who lived here before the first settlers, to the settlers that risked all to sail into the unknown. Tiny rickety ships brought men across the deadly seas to a hostile land that was at times unwelcoming 400 years ago. Also, the brave men and women that risked everything to become the leaders of their own destiny. To fight English rule. To the poor people of this country that was ripped in half only 150 short years ago where Americans fought Americans. To the people who protect her freedoms today without question. To the people who have chosen a life of service to others such as firemen, policemen, and teachers. To the farmers that feed our nation and the workers that produce it’s products. Here is to the doctors that heal those that hurt. To the people that make a different in someone’s life.

I am proud to be a part of this country, faults and all.

Happy 4th of July to you all. May you rest peacefully under a blanket of stars, and stripes.

What better than Bass Lake with family to enjoy the beauty of this country.

Boats gather for the fireworks.

Are you happy?
Bass Lake is so pretty.

The "Severina Girls" as my dad calls us. Lucchesi at it's best.
What's this? Another Lucchesi. A boat full of everyone with a family name Lucchesi.

Harsen Cabin
Pretty flowers were in bloom.

The Forks for breakfast.

Captain Darrick.

Linda enjoying the nice morning.

Being silly at the Pines Bar.

The Cove.
Party at the Cove it seems.
Goat Mountain

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Ti Amo


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