Monday, November 07, 2011

Mommy Moto

We thought we would take to the track for one last spin. We were both worried about me crashing, but knew I would go nuts if I did not get some kind of riding in. So off we went. Darrick, Lisa, and Peanut. Peanut did great until the last session where they made me feel like I had to throw up. LOL
It was a strange feeling knowing it was not just my life, but another life that I had in my hands. I was really stressed at first. Then that track feeling that I love took over and I did some fast laps. I still was worried. I can't help how I love the track and riding. It's wonderful. There is this special place inside me that lights up on the track. I can't explain it.

Mommy and Peanut on the go.
Daddy ready to hit the track.
Slide that bike.
I love my new leathers, and my new sticker kit for the bike. Thanks Darrick.
There goes Lisa........
There goes Darrick on a 150 for the first time. Trouble!

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