Sunday, November 13, 2011

So when are you going to visit me?

I have an open door just ready to welcome you here to the town of Sonoma. Don't think I have to ask you to visit me. I already have. Now you just have to take this little tour of the area. All the pictures were taking within 10 miles of our house.

So where the heck are you?

Did I mention this is wine country?
Walnuts anyone?

The road to our house.

Mission in Sonoma square.

Do you like my winter hat?

see the sunrise like this every day. Not too bad.
The tree in our back yard.
I drive by this wall every day. I love it. It's just stacked stones. Then row after row of vines with rolling hills in the back. So pretty.

OK, so what's your bad excuse to why you have not visited me? That's what I thought.
See you soon. Hope you liked your preview.

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