Sunday, September 16, 2007

Is that bread I smell cooking?

All in the Family

My mom has always been a good cook. I remember when I went away for school I always looked forward to coming home for some of her home cooked meals. My dad is also good in the food department. My dad can make the best grilled steak, rotisserie chicken, smoked ribs, and smoked pork loin. Even my brother has turned out to be a pretty good cook.
That’s a lot to live up to. I won’t say I am a good cook, but I do like to bake. I have just started getting into baking bread. I have quickly found out that there are a million things that can make bread go wrong. I turned to the best for help. My mom. She won a blue ribbon for her French bread and another blue ribbon for her Sheepherder’s bread. In 1986 she entered her bread for the first time. She walked a way with a blue ribbon for each entry.
Now you have to know that we love her bread. It’s the best. Nothing is better than her Sheepherder’s bread with her stew. The problem is we would hardly ever get it. It’s a lot of work to make bread and takes all day. My mom is a busy lady, but the bread is so yummy. My dad has affectionately called it “Annual Bread.”
You need a Dutch oven to make that wonderful bread. I finally got one and decided to make the bread today. I was very worried about how it would come out. It looks like it came out ok. I will find out if it taste good when Miles gets home. I can’t wait since the house smells so good. I love the smell of fresh baked bread.

My first try at making mom's bread.

Smells so good.

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