Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What I love about Bass Lake

If you look at my blog you will see that I love Bass Lake. I have been going there all my life. Let me share with you what I love most about it. Let me share with you my past, my childhood, my happy place.

The Pines Village

I can't walk by without remembering the smells of the bakery. I can still hear the music of the live band pass through the walls of the bar. On a good summer day you will see a few four legged friends waiting out side the market for their owner. They always enjoy a rub on the head.
The Pines Market.Hope you only need a few things. If you really need to shop, you have to go to the next town, Oakhurst.

I can't tell you how many times my family has floated by this sign in our canoe on our way to the cove and back.
This used to be the movie theater.
You would enter the lobby and see this tree in the center of the room. You would walk past the tree to the concessionn stand for basic munchies. Then you had to hang on for dear life as you made your way down the steepest theater isle you have ever seen. You would find a rock hard wood seat with a wood back that was perfect for watching a two hour movie in. After the movie, you would see if you could move after sitting in that seat for that long, then hang on for the tough climb out of the theater. If you wanted to see a "PG" type movie you would go to the early show. The "R" movies were later at night. Oh, did I say movies? There were only two. One for the early show and one for the later showing. It would switch every two weeks. Don't forget to bring your flashlight if you were going to the late show and waking back to the campground or your cabin. There are no street lights or sidewalks for that matter.

Here is the old theater from the outside.
That tree makes that building look like a tree shirt for a Christmas tree.
The best shop at the Pines. I don't think I can go to the lake without stopping in and taking a look around. You can still get iron on shirts made there. Many a whoopee cushion, stink perfume, and fake barf has been sold at this shop. You can get a “round-tu-it”, a T-shirt, or a rubber rat. What else could anyone ask for?
The new Ducey's.

We used to camp at the old Ducey's gamp ground. It has sinced burned down.

Sky Ranch.
It used to be a golf course. It had a big barn with horses. I used to love to go there. Eric and I always seemed to make a friend that was staying there. It closed and re-opened. Im glad it's up and running again.

Mom at the old bar.
Yummy dinner.

Sky Ranch still looks so cool.

Eagles nest.

Mom and Mollie enjoying a float.

Blue Gill having a snack.

Eric and I used to love to catch them off the dock. He even brought one home that lasted a little while in his fish tank.

I LOVE the ducks.

One came and ate right out of my hand.
I love my morning walks with the dogs to Briar dock.
Everyone has to have a sign carved with their family name to point the way to their cabin. Paper plates work well in a pinch when giving directions to someone that has not been there before.
I still like the carved bears everyone has up there.
The trees are so pretty. What color!

I like this tree. It so weird. How is it still alive with a giant hole in the center?
Awwwwwww How cute.

More Blue Gill.
I was feeding the ducks then the fish got in on the action.

My Parents cabin. I love the cabin. I feel so lucky that I have a place to go to up there. I dont know if I would be able to go there like I do now if it were not for the cabin. My dogs have never been camping. I don't think they would like to be left at the camp site. They like the cabin also. The love to look out the window and bark at everyone going by.

Bears in the tree keep and eye on the road as people walk by.
The new deck.

Looks great!

Thanks for taking a walk with me down memory lane.

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