Thursday, September 30, 2010

A race in the heat.

My dear friends Dave and Stevie.

This guy had a bad day. lol
Darrick showing how a pro looks out on the track.

Qualcomm Race

I had another race this weekend down in San Diego. I thought it was going to be cooler down there, but I was wrong. Well the weatherman was wrong. He said it was going to be about 87 and it was 100. There is a race group with slicks or the street group with DOT tires. I was in the street group. There are no classes based on rider skill, or CC’s. It’s pretty much an unlimited class.

I was slow all day. I have a lot of laps to get down before the main race and I did not feel like over doing it especially since it was so hot. Also, the track layout was different. I had to learn it so that took some time.

Since it was so hot and not as many riders showed up they decided to run both classes together. I ended up on the last row. It was a 12 lap race ( just over one mile p/lap) I followed two guys for about half the race. I was setting up to make my move on the last lap. I passed one guy. Now I needed to get the other. I set up for a two turn overtake. I was right on his wheel in the second to last turn. I planed to sling shot around him since I knew my bike was faster on the straights. I was in the last turn and my rear tire slid out and was all over the place. I guess it was doing what a supermoto should be doing, but this rider did not get the instructions on that procedure. I slowed a bit to steady the bike then was hard on it again. I could see by my speed vs.’ the distance to the finish line that I had this guy. I was going as fast as I could and shifting like a mad woman. Then I got a wicked headshake that almost made me crash. I had to slow up so I did not pass him. I found out that I should be in 3rd place for the day, but if I did not get that shake, I would have had 2nd for sure.

Thanks to Mike for being my pit crew again. Also for taking pictures. I was pleasantly surprised by Dave and Stevie. They happened to be down in the area and came by to cheer me on. I was over whelmed by that. Thanks everyone. It was wonderful.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Work at Work

I know all of you have at one time had that person in your life that you wonder why you can’t get away from them. This is the case with a co-worker of mine.

I like to call her “Stupid E.” ( that’s the initial of her last name.)

Lets start at the beginning. Oh about 7 years ago she comes rolling into my department as an instructional aid. She seemed ok at the time, but slowly her colors started to show. Little by little we noticed things. She lies just about everything. Tells some crazy story about what happened to her or how well her daughters are doing in sports or school. Funny thing is, we know her daughters and know the real story. You have to wonder,” are you that stupid to think someone would believe this crazy lie, or do you think I am that stupid to believe it?” You only listen to half of what she is saying.

Then she was pulling the old he told me, they told me trick. She would say the teacher told her to do something then tell the teacher the office told her to do it. She would use teachers names and make them look bad. I worked in Disneyland for 2 years. I am the queen of “stiffing”. That’s what people at the park called it when people were not doing their job and sneaking off. I don’t mind people doing that as long as their job is done. Don’t stiff and leave me to take care of your responsibility. I can spot someone stiffing a mile away. She walked people to the office to get out of work and so one. Pick jobs with teachers where it’s inside and cool on a hot day and leave the other aids in the sun. It got to the point where we had to have the aids sign a paper stating the rules so that we can catcher breaking them. She was a pain in the neck for everyone there. We all have a hard time with her. She talks about people behind their backs. She does not follow directions. She yells at the kids and makes up rules. Why is she still there you ask? I don’t know. Her and I have gotten into it more than one time. It’s gotten to the point where they teachers say that they would rather work along than with her. Again, you ask why is she there. Lucky me, I have been keep track of her “doings” since 2007. Problem is our principals keep changing. Each one says we have been doing it wrong and need to do something else. So each year I write things and keep notes. Report it to the office and nothing gets done. Year after year. Last year I was told ( I’m not her boss) that I had to correct her behaviors myself and take notes on the meeting. I’m sorry, I have enough kids to worry about, I don’t need a big kid that gets mad and storms off. She is nutty. She was mad that we did not give her a hamburger at lunch when we gave the student of the month their BBQ reward. The BBQ was not working well and there were non cooked. She stormed off and was yelling at everyone and just a super grump. Over a Hamburger??? Really?

On top of this I have had to put up with the stench of smoke since she is a smoker. It’s really bad on her. I have also enjoyed watching pieces of her teeth fall out month after month, year after year. She has summer teeth. Some are here and some are there. Poor thing. She talked about it to me and I gave her the number to my dentist. Yes, she has insurance. No, I don’t know why she would let her teeth fall out like dominos. She is nothing but a problem.

I gave her the rules sheet to sign and she took it to the union. She is upset she does not have a radio to talk on so she went to the district. She went to the union because she did not get to sub co-workers hours. ( Hello, Stupid E. You can’t sub the hours if you work 2 of the 4 that need to be covered. Ding ding ding) That’s just in the first 2 weeks of school this year.

So after the system has let us down for all theses years, we as teachers have stepped up and are going to our union. 5 teachers will refuse to work with her due to a hostile work place and undermining authority. Lets see if that gets the job done.

I almost hate to think of her gone. Life at work will be so smooth that I wont have any stories to share. I will keep you posted on the status of “ Stupid E.” and see where it takes us.

xoxoxoxoxoxo To my family.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let me school you on this.......

They love it, and I get to watch them crash and burn. Best of both worlds. LOL

This post if for Aunt Linda. Sorry I have been slow with my blog as of late, and I know you wanted to hear about my students. So here you go.

Well, this school year is off and running. I never know what grades I will be teaching, when my prep is, or what students I have. Unlike all the other teachers, P.E. teaches all grade levels. This means if you had a student that caused you to pray to “the powers that be” for the school year to end, you may very well have them again next year. Heaven help you that you have them all three years they are there.
I was keeping my Facebook friends posted on this one student I have. I call her my vagina girl. Why on earth would I call her that you ask? Let’s begin. She is a special needs girl that really does not need to be in special ed classes. She likes to have everything done for her. After a yearlong battle with her stating that “She can’t do that, she has to pee, my dad said I don’t have to, I can’t run……..” the list goes on. I was almost done with the year when her good friend was no longer her good friend. That means she needed my attention, and she was going to get it by saying the nuttiest things.
She came late to class with a not from the office. I am walking past her to open the lockers when she hands me the note and said,” my vagina hurts.” I said,” ok.” and kept walking. Then for two months she would tell me she was on her period. I told her she did not have to tell me every time. There was about 3 more times she said ,” My thingy hurts.” Then she comes into my office and shows me her hairy armpit and asks if I notice it’s hairy. I said it was and to go to class. She has no clue to personal space. She steps on my feet all the time. She went to hand me a paper and hit me in the face with it. Oh and she told me she has diarrhea when she farts.
That brings me to this year. I see her before schools starts when I am selling PE clothes. The rest of the staff was joking about who will get her this time. The first day of school she comes in to where I am selling PE clothes and asked for her schedule. I told her that her first period teacher will give it to her. She starts to walk away and said,” Oh. Can I have my schedule?” I got a sick feeling and then asked if I was her first period teacher. “Yes”. Awwwwww man!!!!!! The rest of the PE staff just started to laugh.
So far this year she is already up to her tricks. I have to pee. I can’t run because I don’t want to. My dad said I can have a special lock. Michelle is making fun of me. Some girl said a bad word. Blah Blah Blah Blah……….. nonstop. Not like I don’t have a bunch of special ed kids in that class along with other kids and it’s a combo class of 7th and 8th. This is just the start of my school adventure. I also have a co-worker that has been killing me slowly for years not to mention one that has it out for me.
That’s it for now. I will share more as time goes on. I will keep track of the stories and let you know.

xoxoxoxoxoxo :-)
