Thursday, September 30, 2010

A race in the heat.

My dear friends Dave and Stevie.

This guy had a bad day. lol
Darrick showing how a pro looks out on the track.

Qualcomm Race

I had another race this weekend down in San Diego. I thought it was going to be cooler down there, but I was wrong. Well the weatherman was wrong. He said it was going to be about 87 and it was 100. There is a race group with slicks or the street group with DOT tires. I was in the street group. There are no classes based on rider skill, or CC’s. It’s pretty much an unlimited class.

I was slow all day. I have a lot of laps to get down before the main race and I did not feel like over doing it especially since it was so hot. Also, the track layout was different. I had to learn it so that took some time.

Since it was so hot and not as many riders showed up they decided to run both classes together. I ended up on the last row. It was a 12 lap race ( just over one mile p/lap) I followed two guys for about half the race. I was setting up to make my move on the last lap. I passed one guy. Now I needed to get the other. I set up for a two turn overtake. I was right on his wheel in the second to last turn. I planed to sling shot around him since I knew my bike was faster on the straights. I was in the last turn and my rear tire slid out and was all over the place. I guess it was doing what a supermoto should be doing, but this rider did not get the instructions on that procedure. I slowed a bit to steady the bike then was hard on it again. I could see by my speed vs.’ the distance to the finish line that I had this guy. I was going as fast as I could and shifting like a mad woman. Then I got a wicked headshake that almost made me crash. I had to slow up so I did not pass him. I found out that I should be in 3rd place for the day, but if I did not get that shake, I would have had 2nd for sure.

Thanks to Mike for being my pit crew again. Also for taking pictures. I was pleasantly surprised by Dave and Stevie. They happened to be down in the area and came by to cheer me on. I was over whelmed by that. Thanks everyone. It was wonderful.

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