Sunday, December 05, 2010

Disneyland at Christmas time

Disneyland again! Yes, I got to go to Disneyland again to see it all done up for Christmas. I love the park this time of the year and it's been a long time since I have seen it decked out for this merry time of year. It was a full park is tons of people, but the rides were great. The park was so very pretty. The people are always fun to watch, and I got to eat a churro again. Umm ummmmm good.

I had a very nice day of enjoying the park.

Boy they know who to make me happy.


It's a Small World.

Main Street USA
Candle Light Procession. ( I happen to sing in this 2 years in high school and one year as a Disney singer.)
It was so full we had to walk back stage. Here is the back side of Walt's Apt. ( I don't know why this is underlined all of the sudden.)

Mark Twain.
Ok, what one of you has the red nose???????
I would name his Kong. Yes, that's right. Donkey Kong. He is so cute. I LOVE critters. I want one!

One of the bunch.
I love the old classic rides. Some things are better left unchanged.
I love the old plant life that adds to the amazing things in the park.
Ok, now that's just funny. Grumpy hat.

I think I drove worse than the 6 year old boy that drove off in the car in front of me.
Haunted Mansion has a winter look still.
It's Zero. I love this little dog. It looks just like Sonoma!!!!!!!!!!!

Jungle Cruise.
I love all the pretty plants around the park.
Now that is a tree! They do the best job at everything they do.
So pertty.
Happiest place on earth. If you can't go there an enjoy the park then the company you are with is no good or your attitude is no good. Lines or no lines, would you really rather be some place else? Life is a gift. Enjoy the ones around you. Enjoy good friends. Enjoy the beauty in life, and enjoy yourself. Let your hair down. Put on a smile. Laugh a lot. Love big.


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