Sunday, September 27, 2009

Family History

Welcome to my family.
My Uncle Jimmie Lucchesi. He has since passed.
My grandparents. Leo and Alice Lucchesi.

Great great aunt Carlotta. Just found her picture and a letter from Italy form her to my great grandma. I was jumping up and down finding a new family member.

My handsome Italian Grandpa Leo. :-)
Family on the wall of Lucca Italy 1958.
I walked on that very wall 2009.

Church in my family town of Riolo, Italy.
The church tower in Riolo Italy. It was the first thing I saw when I drove into the village.
My great grandpa Atriemo Lucchesi in his Army uniform.
Look what I found. That very church tower in Riolo, Italy. This is a family member of mine. I can't believe I was standing right there in that town.

As most of you know I am big into my family history. I love to find old photos and hear about my history. We all come from some place. All the different people in our past make us who we are. I have been finding out about a great deal of my English side. The English would take census records for many years. This has been wonderful in finding my past. Cross, King, Berry are a few of my English names. I found out that many worked in mines and one was a confectioner. I know this because it lists occupation at time of the census. Also, all the names of the people in the household and their relation. It’s been great. I have a bunch of family info on that side. Now what happed in Italy. My ties to the Italian side is strong. I am deeply fascinated in historical things. Not just history, but more into ancient history. Rome was a power house and I have roots from this amazing part of history. This leads me to my problem. There are not records. Also, I can’t understand the language. I have been collecting pictures and scanning them. My goal is to write all the info I can about everyone in my family as well as add some pictures. I would like to make this into a book form. Technology is always changing, but a book last forever. It’s a lofty goal, but I can do it.
I thought I would share my Italian side with you at this point. I am proud of them and know I have so much family over in Italy that it makes me sick. I plan on trying to find them somehow. I would love to take another trip to Italy and spend time just doing that. I need someone that speaks Italian to help me.
For more pictures CLICK HERE.

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