Sunday, September 20, 2009

On The Road Again

After 10 long months I am happy to say that I am back. (Think Willie Nelson “Oh the road again…… I just can’t wait to get on the road again…..” )
I took out the supermoto this morning to meet some friends for a ride to Arrowhead. I have not done that ride and was a little worried about how I was going to handle it. I did not know how far we were going to go. My buddy Mike was very sweet and said he would stay with me and if I needed to turn around, he would go with me. Thank you Mike. It seems that I did not need to turn around. Not only did I go to Arrowhead, I also made it to Big Bear. We were all over that area. My foot did fine and I was doing better than I thought. I made sure I was in the back and taking my time. I don’t know the roads and I know my reaction time is going to be a little off. That and a new bike that I am still getting to know. I was pretty much with the group the whole time. I just could not really go over 80. That’s about top speed with the gearing I have right now. If I could have gone faster it would have been better on the ride. It was weird to ride after so long. It hard trying to get the feel of things when I did not know the road at all. There were also lots of cars on the road. That’s why we never ride that area. At this point we had to since all the roads are closed from the fires or they are still burning.
It was so nice to feel the wind hitting me. It was even nice to feel sweaty in my leathers as well as to have soggy sweaty gloves. I even missed the bug splats on my visor. Then the best part was after smelling the cool pine are, we made a turn and had that blast of furnace heat hit us. It always amazes me how within a turn or two, it could go up 10+ degrees. I also enjoyed our stop for lunch. I did not know where we were going to eat and only had one thing to say when we got to the restaurant. “High altitude and Mexican food? Really?” If you can believe this, I had a bean and cheese burrito and it was not very good. How can you mess that up? I enjoyed the conversations and funny stories. They always make me laugh.

Here are some videos of the ride. The first one you will need to watch until the end.
They are about the same. Just riding here and there. It was just fun to get out. The quality of the video is ok. The SXV vibrates enough so that it affects the picture. I would like to get the go-pro camera. I believe that’s what it is called. No picking on my riding or bad shifting. Lol It’s been forever. Awwwwwww My bike and I are back. Sigh…… I missed it so much.


Video #2

My friend took some pictures. I hope to add them later. Oh yeah, we did the Alpine Slides. It was my first time doing this. It was pretty fun. We all had on our full leathers looking like dorks. CLICK HERE FOR INFO

Can't wait to see the pictures. I can only guess how bad we must look. LOL

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