Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What's going on with me.

It has been a while since I have posted something on my Blog. I have had problems with my internet. It has not been much fon since I mostly communicate with people via the internet. It is just about all worked out. We still have some problems, but we hope a tech will fix them by Thurs. Verizon only had to come out 6 times now, but don't get me started.

I won 2nd and 4th place at the LA County fair. I was very happy to have done so well. It's not an easy contest.
Judging for one of the contest I was in. That was my Garlic and Rosemary Sheepherders bread.

I made cornbread also, but that did not win anything. Everyone seems to like it so I am happy with that.

I got my plate for my SXV. Il Pulce. It means "The Flea" in Italian. Italian bike, rider, and plate. My parents call me the flea. I think you have noticed the name of my Blog is The Flea. So there you go. You learned something new about me.

Awwwww it screams ride me! Now that my foot is getting better I want to ride. It figures that all the roads to ride on around here are closed from all the fires. What is the deal? I get the bike one day before surgery. My foot is ready to ride and all the roads are closed for fires. It's ok. I can wait a little longer. (not much longer, but I can wait)
I am just happy the ash has stopped falling on the house and cars.


My mom and I went to the lake right before I had to go back to work. After missing most of the school year I was stressed about going back. My foot was still hurting. I could not get my foot in a shoe. What was I going to do? How could I teach PE to my classes? I needed one last vacation. I almost had to go solo to the lake, but my mom was able to go at the last minute. We always have a good time. It was nice to not worry so much about my foot. It was heavy on my mind. I don't know what it is, but my mom can make me laugh at just about anything. We laugh at things I don't even understand why we think it's funny.

Sonoma went floating with me on the raft. She did so well. We were out there on the lake for hours.

My floating view.
I love this view. I always know I am at my happy place when I look out over the water and see the mountain. I always say that I love the smell of the water. I take a deep breath and think of the sounds of the waves hitting hte hull of the boat. I love that. I love to look down into the water off the boats edge. That calm rocking feeling you get as you sit there looking at the view around you. I don't need to go fast and make sharpe turns on a boat. I like to move along, watching someone ski. I like to pull into shore, take out the chairs and wiggle my feet into the sand. I like to have a nice sandwich. There has to be some kind of cold fruit as well. No need for soda, water is fine. The one thing I do like is chips and salsa. My weakness. I can't pass it up. A little of that as well and you have a perfect day at the lake. I wish my family had a boat. It would be nice to get back on the water. I wish I could water ski. Not that I have done it often, but when I did I really liked it. So much that I had to buy an old ski so I had one that would fit me. I still have it.

My mom with a good book.

Mollie and Sonoma after a swim. "What's for lunch?"

Trying to get some sun. I had been stuck inside for almost a year. I needed a tan! I still need one.
My foot is getting better. It's been painful going back to work, but it's gettign there. Here is a link to a video of my tendon moving in my foot. Don't click on it if you don't want to see it. It was a few weeks after it opend up so it was lready healing by the time I filmed this. You should have seen it at first. It gave me the chills and it was my own foot. Yuck.
That seems to be it for now. I hope to post more often. Thanks for looking.

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