Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What I like to collect

I have always liked coins. Ever since I was little if I found a Paso or a Canadian coin I would keep it. Not that I came across them often, but I liked them. It was not until much later that I started to collect more.
I am a chaperon on the 8th grade DC trip each year. One year I went and found a civil war era penny. That was my gift to Miles from the trip, along with civil war era relics that had been dug up. He really enjoyed the gifts. Why get a t-shirt that says Williamsburg when you can get real history. All that year I kept kicking myself for not spending more time looking in the glass case that had coins and paper money for sale. It all looked so cool, but I was really short on time and had about 90 kids to get in and out of the shop. The next trip I asked if he wanted more money items. He requested Confederate money if they had it. Off I went. I made a mad dash to the same store trying to get there before the kids so I had more time to look. Sure enough, there it was Confederate paper money. I got that, and some coins for myself. The year after that, same thing. All the chaperons and travel agents know I want to rush down to shop at this one shop. Problem is they don’t schedule time to shop there anymore. It’s next to my favorite restaurant. I have to rush the best food ever, to get the coins I like. What’s great is I get a 20% off purchase coupon from the travel agent. Then I can also write it off as educational expensive. It’s a win, win!
So the drill is, shovel all the fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy I can eat in my mouth. (Best food ever. I don’t know how they make it, but it’s magic.) Then mug the travel agent for his coupon. Sprint to the shop and tell the students to get on the bus. Raid the glass case of everything they have, and get on the bus. Only the slow little old ladies that run the shop slow me down. I am a well oiled machine. Since the trip I have bought two Roman coins from home. I would love to get a Roman coin from the B.C. era. That’s next on my wish list. Here is my collection. It’s so hard to take pictures of the coins and money. Bear with me.

My mom went to Itlay and got me a gold venetian coin. It was the best thing ever. I just love it so much. (sorry, I could not get the camera to get a good picture of it.)

I love the one on the left. It's rare and from 1588. Can you believe it?
The one on the right is only from 1710. hahahaha

Here is another bad picture. It's of my two Roman coins.
The one on the left is from 247-249AD
The one on the right is from 193-211 AD
(Need a BC coin)

Top Left: 1668 English coin
Top Right: Silver half dollar of 1810 USA
Bottom Left: 1773 English coin
Bottom Right: 1639 English coin.

I had this one made into a charm.
English coin from 1688

All the bills from 1910-1920 were this size. This is still legal tender!
If I were to spend it, I would only get $5.00 worth of value out of it, and it's worth over $100.00. Kind of funny when you look at it that way.

How cool is this? Confederate $100.00!!
1861 First year of the war.

Civil War coin hoarding caused the US to make small value currency in paper. This type was made from 1869-1875. It is US 10 Cents. It is still legal tender.
I can just see the persons face if I were to give them this and say it's 10 cents.

This is an old Rail Road Cert.

$5.00 Confedertate dollars. Sept 2, 1861.
I hope that you liked the items I have. I enjoy looking at them now and then. I always wonder who had it? What did they look like? What was going on that time? If the money had eyes what would it have seen? I like the Roman coins a lot. I would like to really get a clean looking on that from the BC time period and make a charm out of it. It does not mess with the coin in any way so I am ok with that. I could never damage an old coin. Next on my list is a Civil War sword or gun.

To tell you the truth, anything that is ancient Roman, I would just love to have. Also ,ancient Egyptian. That won’t happen since Egypt is on lock down for any of its ancient items.

Thanks for looking, and have a wonderful day.

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