Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Bring in the noise, bring in the funk...

(As stated in my other post....)

"Stupid E" has been out of work due to a finger injury. It's been a quiet, nice, easy going two weeks. To my surprise she came to work today. There it was....... the sound of a chicken drowning. I heard her scratchy squawking voice that makes your ears bleed. Moments later the unpleasant stench of old smoke fills my office. It seems she is back early. NOOOOOOOOOO I had another 10 days of peace coming to me, but that is now at an end. Only one hour later she brings a student to me that has a large pair of scissors. She thought they were too big to bring to school. Poor little 6th grader was just trimming the run away string from the low quality PE shorts.I asked why she had them and she said they were all she had at home. I told the girl to put them away in her backpack, and leave them at home. Stupid E pulls them out of my hand and said we will keep then and she will get them after school. I snatch them back out of her hand and tell the girl the same thing I had told her before. Poor girl was all stressed out and lost. What makes Stupid E think that a teachers assistant can rule over a teacher. I am sorry. I went to school for countless years, I also am responsible for the students. What makes her think she out ranks me. I never ever think of myself as higher than anyone at work. We all have a job to do and we are all equal. If your going to over step your bounds like that in front of a student, then I need to pull rank and let the student know who is the head of that situation. She lasted all of one hour before pissing me off. I had to report it and now will be having a meeting about all this. I have so much work to do. Why do I have to do more work? She is there to help me, not make more work. Make it stop. Sad part was, we all thanked the teacher that was teaching the class she got hurt. It was a joke, but still, how sad is that?

Stupid E....... There is a Venetian saying that translates as: "Before you speak, be quiet." TAKE NOTE. As they say, you have two ears and one mouth for a reason.

xoxoxoxoxoxo :-)

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