Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Small Thanksgiving.

My great grandmothers wedding ring and my grandmothers promise ring.

Lucchesi blood line. Left to right. Lucchesi sangue line. Da sinistra a destra.
Debbie Lucchesi, Michael Lucchesi, Daniel Lucchesi, Nichole Lucchesi, Me-Lisa, Penny Lucchesi-Harsen, Eric Harsen.
(Debbie, Jacob,) (Daniel, Becky, Nichole, Michael,) (Eric, Penny, Alan, Lisa)

It was wonderful to have my family together again. We are not a big family, but this is the group I have grown up with for the holidays. The Harsen Lucchesi family bunch.

Nothing is better than a big turkey dinner. Moms the best at it!

San Mateo Weekend

The good part.
YEAH I lived.

Lisa Freaking out.
Darrick making it look easy.

I went north to San Mateo for a race that was going to be street only. I have yet to try a race with a dirt section, so this was going to be fun. Darrick made a top of the line full rae Aprilia SXV 450 for me to race. I was a little worried that it was going to kill me so that was one thing to get over. LOL Then I found out there was going to be wood jumps I had to go over. I have never been over a jump. If I am in the air on a bike then I am in the process of crashing and the last time I did that, I did not fair so well. I was very nervous needless to say. I saw the jumps and realized I can't just roll over them nice and easy. I was very happy to hear that we could skip them in practice all Friday. I was learning the bike and skipping the jumps. Darrick stood there with the camera ready to get my first jump. I could come around the corner thinking I was going to go for it then shake my head NO and skip it. I just could not get myself to do it. I was really afraid. Finally I knew I could not delay any longer. I went over it and I thought I was going to crash. I just have never felt that felling before. I made it ok, but boy was I shaking after that. Seems funny since the jump is about a foot and a half high, but it seemed like a monster to me. Really, it did. I was laughing at myself, but I still stressed each time I went out and would skip the jump most of the time. That is until they moved the ramp and I could not skip it. I felt pretty good (for me) by the end of the day, but I was glad it was over. Just a little too stressed all day to enjoy it as much as I would have liked. I did LOVE the bike. I loved riding. I just stressed about the ramp too much. Now I know, and I hope to be better next time. :-) We all have to start some place. ( I will confess that after a little while I really wanted to hit the jump much faster because it seemed like it would be really fun, but the thought of crashing kept me going too slow.)


Vegas I never really knew.

I don’t go to Las Vegas. I don’t like to gamble really so what can I do? A show?

I never have been into Las Vegas. I don’t know if it’s the smoke or the noise that gets me. Maybe it’s because I always go to cheap casinos that are pretty dumpy. I started to go to Femmoto in Vegas once a year for a motorcycle event. Then the last two years they had the event my parents even joined in on the fun. My dad loves Vegas. He likes Blackjack. He is very good at it. My mom also enjoys spending time there with him or they go with another couple for a weekend of fun. I don’t know that side of Vegas. I go there for motorycles and that’s pretty much it. After a long day at the track, you just want to clean up, eat, and go to sleep. So this weekend was going to be an adventure.

I flew out on a flight that is only one hour, but the flight was so rough that they did not serve beverages. We all had to stay seated and just hang on. After landing I was wait for my luggage and there were already slot machines in the baggage claim area. You just have to laugh. You could lose your cab money before you get your luggage. The cab ride over brought back memories. It has been two years since I have been to Vegas. I forgot about the rush of cars and the taxis that drive like they are an ant on an anthill that just got kicked by a school yard bully. As soon as I entered the casino I heard the bells and dings of the machines. The sounds of coins cashing out of a slot machine that is now a mechanical sound since they no longer use coins. Ching, ching, ching, ching……. Fills the smoke filled air. Clicky clop pierces the entrance as the heals of the women strike the marble floors. Brass, marble, bold carpets, over sized flowers, all welcome you to the place that will slowly suck your wallet dry.

The food was good. The shows were wonderful. They have amazing malls and other stores. Even their outlets are top notch. The smell of money was everywhere. It was so much fun to watch the people walk by. Guys were trying to look good and act cool. The women wore clothes that were small enough for a 5 year old to wear. The shoes they had on was most likely the part that made me laugh the most. Poor things could hardly walk. I have a mangled foot and I could walk better in heels than they could in the ones that they had on. It was just shy of being as vertical as a ballarina slipper when they are on their toes.

I saw Cirque Du Soule “O”, Cirque Du Soule “KA”, Bodies (the bodies that are skinned and infused with plastic.) Went to a club for the first time and I knew all the songs thanks to my students pick of hip hop music when they work out at school in our fitness lab.

I was able to pet a tiger. His name was Bo. He was 47 days old. I have always wanted to do that.

Cub Video Click HERE


Monday, November 08, 2010

Die and Dry

Most of you know that I enjoy Egypt. I have always wanted to go there. I enjoy reading about and watching shows on the whole culture of the time. I am amazed that people could be so advanced. Building amazing pyramids. They could build tombs that are deep into a valley and stay within one inch of being straight. All this done by hand using oil lamps in dark places, and simple tools.

When the exhibit Mummies of the World came to town I wanted to see it. I found out that it is leaving soon so I knew I had to see it.

It was at the California Science Center. I had never heard of the place. I was not allowed to take pictures of the mummies or the daddies, but I did get of other areas that I will share with you.

I saw pretty amazing things. Natural mummies and mad made mummies. They were from all over. Some were in dry or cool places, some were in bogs, and some were simply a dried up like the rat in an attic in Germany. It was amazing to see teeth, nails, and hair. The hair got me. I had to study real skeletons when I was getting my degree so I was kind of used to finger bones and teeth. When you see the hair, it’s amazing. The color. Sometimes it’s braided. Long hair or short. The baby mummies were very sad. I felt bad for the families who lots a baby. The oldest one there and one of the oldest in the world was a 10 month old child that is over 6500 years old. Amazing.

They also had an IMAX movie on mummies of pharos. That was not only cool that it was 3D, but I learned something new. It was a great time, and I am very glad I had the chance to go. If it comes to your town, check it out.

xoxoxoxoxox :-)

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Notes, Moments, Cops, Death......

Ever have a day where you wonder, “ What just happened”? Today was a day like no other.

It started off with two notes from students first period. This student tells me she has a rash and cant run. Since she does not have a parent note she made one for me.Click on picture to make it bigger.

That's CRAMPS, not CRABS. ( I hope.)

Later that day a student came in and told me how I had talked an hour to another teacher about how wonderful she is in my class. That I was going to give her a student of the month award and so on. I told her what I had said and she was just shocked. You could tell that she was filled with a pride and joy that I don’t think she has seen form a teacher. She is ADHD and not the best classroom student. With me, she is great. I wanted her to know that. Her smile and red cheeks told me everything I needed to know. I reached her on a level that no one had. I felt honored that she let me in. Most of the time I talk to the kids and it goes in one ear and out the other. It was a powerful teaching moments. I have only a few that I can count on one hand that have been a true teaching moment in my 11 years of teaching.

After this amazing moment and funny note situation, I then was ending my day. It seems that my sweet tiny little 6th graders had to run by some thugs that were hanging out in the park where we run. They where drink 40oz beers. There were four guys and one girl who was passed out. I had to call for police services to come out. After hearing what it was the called for two cop cars. I talked to the cops, but at that time only one man and the lady were there. I did hear they guy had beer on him and some story about it’s not his backpack so if there’s drugs in it, then it’s not his.

Just then the principal calls to get the city out to pick up a dead bird that he does not want the kids messing with. (It was in the park so the city needs to get it.) I told him I have a shovel and I would get it. I was expecting some mangled crow or something. He told me to wear gloves. I walk out there and he asked where my gloves were. I told him the handle is long enough I don’t think I will touch it. Then I look down and it’s this tinny little bird that looks like it’s sleeping. I laughed and said,”that’s it?” He laughed at himself as I scooped it up and put it in a trashcan. I tell you. I pretty much covered all the areas of being a PE teacher today. All I needed was a student with a broken bone and I would have had a Trifecta. Stitches would have been ok also. LOL

Just another day under my belt. I’ll put a feather in my cap (not one from the bird, it’s a metaphor), pass on the funny notes, and say a prayer for the little bird. I don’t know what happed with the cops. I know they were there for over an hour with the guy and girl when I left to come home to a face full of doggie kisses, and a smoothie to cool me down on a very hot day. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww

:-) xoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo
