Saturday, November 27, 2010


Vegas I never really knew.

I don’t go to Las Vegas. I don’t like to gamble really so what can I do? A show?

I never have been into Las Vegas. I don’t know if it’s the smoke or the noise that gets me. Maybe it’s because I always go to cheap casinos that are pretty dumpy. I started to go to Femmoto in Vegas once a year for a motorcycle event. Then the last two years they had the event my parents even joined in on the fun. My dad loves Vegas. He likes Blackjack. He is very good at it. My mom also enjoys spending time there with him or they go with another couple for a weekend of fun. I don’t know that side of Vegas. I go there for motorycles and that’s pretty much it. After a long day at the track, you just want to clean up, eat, and go to sleep. So this weekend was going to be an adventure.

I flew out on a flight that is only one hour, but the flight was so rough that they did not serve beverages. We all had to stay seated and just hang on. After landing I was wait for my luggage and there were already slot machines in the baggage claim area. You just have to laugh. You could lose your cab money before you get your luggage. The cab ride over brought back memories. It has been two years since I have been to Vegas. I forgot about the rush of cars and the taxis that drive like they are an ant on an anthill that just got kicked by a school yard bully. As soon as I entered the casino I heard the bells and dings of the machines. The sounds of coins cashing out of a slot machine that is now a mechanical sound since they no longer use coins. Ching, ching, ching, ching……. Fills the smoke filled air. Clicky clop pierces the entrance as the heals of the women strike the marble floors. Brass, marble, bold carpets, over sized flowers, all welcome you to the place that will slowly suck your wallet dry.

The food was good. The shows were wonderful. They have amazing malls and other stores. Even their outlets are top notch. The smell of money was everywhere. It was so much fun to watch the people walk by. Guys were trying to look good and act cool. The women wore clothes that were small enough for a 5 year old to wear. The shoes they had on was most likely the part that made me laugh the most. Poor things could hardly walk. I have a mangled foot and I could walk better in heels than they could in the ones that they had on. It was just shy of being as vertical as a ballarina slipper when they are on their toes.

I saw Cirque Du Soule “O”, Cirque Du Soule “KA”, Bodies (the bodies that are skinned and infused with plastic.) Went to a club for the first time and I knew all the songs thanks to my students pick of hip hop music when they work out at school in our fitness lab.

I was able to pet a tiger. His name was Bo. He was 47 days old. I have always wanted to do that.

Cub Video Click HERE


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