Saturday, November 27, 2010

San Mateo Weekend

The good part.
YEAH I lived.

Lisa Freaking out.
Darrick making it look easy.

I went north to San Mateo for a race that was going to be street only. I have yet to try a race with a dirt section, so this was going to be fun. Darrick made a top of the line full rae Aprilia SXV 450 for me to race. I was a little worried that it was going to kill me so that was one thing to get over. LOL Then I found out there was going to be wood jumps I had to go over. I have never been over a jump. If I am in the air on a bike then I am in the process of crashing and the last time I did that, I did not fair so well. I was very nervous needless to say. I saw the jumps and realized I can't just roll over them nice and easy. I was very happy to hear that we could skip them in practice all Friday. I was learning the bike and skipping the jumps. Darrick stood there with the camera ready to get my first jump. I could come around the corner thinking I was going to go for it then shake my head NO and skip it. I just could not get myself to do it. I was really afraid. Finally I knew I could not delay any longer. I went over it and I thought I was going to crash. I just have never felt that felling before. I made it ok, but boy was I shaking after that. Seems funny since the jump is about a foot and a half high, but it seemed like a monster to me. Really, it did. I was laughing at myself, but I still stressed each time I went out and would skip the jump most of the time. That is until they moved the ramp and I could not skip it. I felt pretty good (for me) by the end of the day, but I was glad it was over. Just a little too stressed all day to enjoy it as much as I would have liked. I did LOVE the bike. I loved riding. I just stressed about the ramp too much. Now I know, and I hope to be better next time. :-) We all have to start some place. ( I will confess that after a little while I really wanted to hit the jump much faster because it seemed like it would be really fun, but the thought of crashing kept me going too slow.)

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