Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last 2009 Blog Post

Lucky you. It's going to be about me.

I posted a blog entry about myself a while back. What I like, don’t like, and so on.
I thought you might want to take another trip down the rabbit hole into the rusted steel trap of mine. Enjoy the ride.

1. I find that when I don’t feel well I want grape juice. I don’t know why.
2. Also, when I don’t feel well, I crave green apples. My mom was so great and got me a bunch of apples for me when I came home from the hospital from my foot injury. I always made sure I had an apple and a bottle of water or two on the coffee table where I camped out all day long.
3. I like to walk around barefooted. I come home and take off my shoes right away. I like to walk around the back yard that way as well. I enjoy the feel of the grass under my feet.
4. I also like to go to the back yard and just eat a leaf of basil. I check on my plants and end up eating one.
5. I used to have strawberries in my garden at the Montebello house. I loved to go to the garden and pull weeds, eat a strawberry or two as a little reward for seeing how the garden was doing.
6. I look forward to having a house with a big garden. I would also like to grow fruit trees. I loved going to my parents yard and getting an orange when I wanted a snack when I was growing up.
7. I like to work on my motorcycles myself if I can. I feel better when someone is there to guide me. If not then I tend to only check the tire pressure and very minor things. I used to like changing the gear oil in my Aprilia race bike. The body work was a pain to take off, but it’s good to know I could do that stuff myself. I have not done much in a long time and want to get back into getting to know my bikes better.
8. I like BBQ. Good baby back ribs are so yummy. The BBQ sauce has to be on spot to make the ribs. They also have to just about fall off the bone.
9. Coleslaw. I don’t know how people can mess that up, but I love it. No pineapple in it please Yuck.
10. I love when I’m on a motorcycle and everything seems to click just right. All the turns don’t seem that hard that day. I always know when I am in the groove because a song pops into my head. This would happen when I ran Cross Country as well. A random song that has a rhythm that matches my rhythm will pop in my head from nowhere. I have no control over the song. It’s kind of funny really. I catch myself wondering why on earth is THAT song in my head.
11. It seems I don’t like to share my prime rib with anyone. Grrrrr grrrrrrr don’t touch!
12. Mashed potatoes over baked any day.
13. I like salad more than I think. I always enjoy one when I have one and wonder why I don’t have one more often.
14. I love fresh crusty bread out of the oven at a restaurant. Ummmmmm
15. I like the way my hair feels just after I blow dry it. All warm and smooth. Too bad it gets stringy within minutes of leaving the bathroom. What’s up with that? Dang English hair. All that Italian in me and I get stringy hair.
16. I like that I can still wear earrings with my helmet on.
17. I like when Sonoma curls up with me on the couch at night and falls sleep.
18. I like flannel sheets when it’s cold.
19. I like to use scented soap in the shower as well as scented lotions. I like the smell of it. Makes me feel clean and fresh. I also like the smell of clean laundry. Oh and the household cleanings supplies. Everything smells fresh and clean.
20. I like to be a passenger in a car and look out the window. I like to see nature, building, and signs. I even like to look at people in the other cars. (Well, most of the time. I have seen a few things I will keep working on trying to forget. HAHAHA one I will share with you so you can feel my pain. Some guy pulling out his eyebrows and eating them. I know, I know…… Now I am not the only one that has to try to forget that. Awwww I feel better now. )

21. I almost forgot until I was reminded at dinner tonight. I have a curse. Yes, that’s right, a curse. I frequently get dirty dishes at a restaurant. I know, I know, we all do now and then, but you don’t understand. I almost always get them. The dirty fork, the knife blade with dried up egg on it, something floating in my drink, and tonight was the famous lipstick on the glass. You would not think too much of it until you dine with me. A true estimate of how often this happens to me is about 75-80% of the time. Everyone else will check to see if they have the same problem and it’s just me. I could move seats 5 times and still end up with the dirty dish. It’s truly amazing. You will never fully understand until you dine with me. It’s absolutely mind blowing. Really, you won’t believe how it’s always me that gets it. No one else, just me.

Welcome back to the station. Please make sure you have all your belongings before you leave. Thanks for visiting and come again soon.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve was a little different this year. There is a friend of mine that apparently likes guns and owns a few. He wanted to get a little group together to shoot a little. Now if you knew me and guns you would laugh. I get so nervous around them. I don’t like. I used to love the ones my parents had on their wall when I was going up, but to handle one I get very jumpy. I guess I see them as too destructive and that they can go off in a blink of an eye. When we all got to the shooting range I was a bit jumpy at some of the loud guns that people were firing. I am not sure why someone would want a gun that loud, but I don’t know anything about guns so oh well.
My friend has mostly 22. to shoot. I felt better with a 22. knowing that it was not very powerful, would not kick much, and it's relatively harmless when it comes to guns. He has hand guns, and two riffles, one with a scope and another with a lever action. When asked what one I wanted to shoot I picked the riffle with the lever action. It was calling my name. Handguns worry me more than a riffle for some reason. There was only one down part to this range. You could not tell how well you were doing since you had to leave your target out on the open rage area. You had to wait until there was a break (about 30 mins) and you could go check your target. So there I was, shooting not knowing if I was hitting the target. I then switched to a hand gun. I did not like that as much. It was ok, but I am riffle kind of girl I guess. Have I shot much? No. My dad took us to shoot bottles once on property that he used to own. I was a kid. I don’t even know how long ago that was. I have not shot since.

It was time for the break and I was able to look at my target. Holy smokes batman, I was right on. Everyone was surprised that I did so well. I got the “Wow, don’t piss you off.” Comment. LOL

Miles parents invited my parents over for Christmas Eve dinner. It was very nice of them. They are very nice people and I am glad that everyone had a nice night. You can’t beat Loren’s impersonations of his grandma and just about everyone else. I don’t know how he does it.
Then came Christmas. It was a mellow day of waking up late, go to my parents house and then to my Aunt Linda’s. My brother is in Thailand. That kind of threw things off. I’m not used to him not being there. He called to say Merry Christmas, but I missed his call. I was bummed. It was nice to see my family. I always enjoy seeing Tosca and Dom. I have no grandparents left so it’s great to be with my great Aunt and Uncle. I had a nice day and always enjoy the spirit of the holiday.

My great aunt and uncle

Tosca and I

My dad's 32 Ford

My dad got a new front end on it so it has been sitting in a shop forever. He was nice enough to pull it out so I could get a picture of it. I know he was not too happy about it being dirty. I thought it looked great.

You will always find me in front of a fire. If there is one going and a place to sit, then I am there. Sonoma joined in on the warmth. As a kid I would sit in front of the fire all the time. I did not care that it was on brick or stone, I was there. I would get a blanket and fall asleep lying in front of the crackling fire. Some of my best memories are in front of a fire. The flicker of the flame is breathtaking. It adds a peace that you cant get otherwise. A softness like a gentle touch when it flickers of your face. Or when a room lights up with the flames from a fire, it’s so wonderful. I think the best is the cabin on a cool winter night all warm and snuggly in front of the fire. That’s the best. Just the thought of it makes me feel good and brings a smile to my face.

Thank you for a nice dinner.

See that target in the center kind of out there? That's what I was shooting at. :-)

First time ever shooting.

This is not the gun that was loud enough and kicked enough to make me, gasp, sqeak, laugh, and put the gun down fast to get away from it. (Yes, that happened.)

This is more like it.

Take that you evil target.

And someone gave this person a gun? What were they thinking???????

My target with the riffle.

Bet you did not know Mike and I could dance and sing....


Love to all my family and friends. xoxoxoxoxox

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My English Roots

A little of this and a little of that.

I posted some information about my Italian side of my family on my blog. Let’s talk about my English side. I am lucky to have found some old census records on I was able to find a great deal of family members. Here are some and their pictures that my family has kept all these years.
How does this connect with me? My mom is part English and part Italian. I feel a little more Italian than anything since I look like her, she looks like Grandpa Leo, and he is full Italian. I do have thin straight English hair and get cavities easy with what I call my English teeth. LOL Dang English side. My Grandma Alice whose real name is Florence Alice Cross Lucchesi was English.

My grand parents, William Cross moved to Canada, Florence King moved to Canada, then they had my grandmother Florence Alice Cross Lucchesi. Then they moved to the USA. My Italian side did pretty much the same thing. It’s amazing all my genes made it to one place to make little ol’ me. Weird how that all works, huh? The more you learn about your family, the more you are amazed that your even here in the first place. I think everything happens for a reason.

This is going to be a long blog entry. I have worked hard to collect pictures and info from my family members. Here is some of what I have. I hope you enjoy not only getting to know me and my family, but to spend a little time learning some history.

Florence Eliza King Cross as a child.

(My Great grandmother, born in 1892)

My Great grand parents William Cross and Florence Eliza King Cross.

Here she is with Husband William Cross. They would often meet Canadian sailors that would come to the port of Los Angeles.

Alice Amy Winterbottom Cross
(My Great Great Grandmother on my mom's, mother's dad's side. Ummm I may have lost you on that one. She was born in 1851.)

Here is William Cross, wife Florence Eliza King Cross, and baby Phyllis Rosena Cross.
Here is some info on Phyllis:
Not much is know of Phyllis. She died in a house fire as a young girl (4 years, 6 months) in Cape Breton, Sidney Mines, Nova Scotia, Canada. It was told that she saved Florence Alice Cross Lucchesi, her baby sister by taking her out of the house, and ran back into the house to try to put out the fire.
William and Florence lived in Canada, but went back to England to have Phyllis so she would be an English citizen.

I just found this picture of William and Florence on their wedding day this summer. It was hidden behind another picture. No one remembers ever seing it before. It was an amazing find.

Let me share some information about William
William was born in England. (It was said he was 1 of 16 children) He moved to Sidney Mines, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. He Married Florence Eliza King (Cross), in Cape Breton Sidney Mines on November 29th, 1914. They had two children, but Phyllis, their first child was burned to death in a house when she was 4 years and 6 month old.
When WWI broke out, William joined up. He was in the “Ladies from Hell Regiment” and they wore Kilts. After the war he was in the hospital for a while. Then William and wife Florence Eliza King (Cross) along with second daughter Florence Alice Cross Lucchesi (Alice as she was called) moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan when Alice was 2 years old. They then moved to California in 1926 and lived on the east side of Los Angeles. He worked for White King Soap Company until 2 months before he died.

Some information about Florence
Florence lived in Bristol, England with her 2 brothers and 2 sisters until she was 21 years old. She went to work in a box factory when she was 14 years old. She moved to Canada with her oldest sister and her family when she was 21. She lived in Sidney Mines, where she met William Cross and married when she was 22. Phyllis, her first child was burned to death when she was 4 years and 6 month old.
Then William and Florence Eliza King (Cross) along with second daughter Florence Alice Cross Lucchesi (Alice as she was called) moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan when Alice was 2 years old. They then moved to California in 1926 and lived on the east side of Los Angeles. Florence Eliza King Cross worked in a box factory until she retired at age 65.
Everyone called her “Flo” and she was a very social lady. She and her husband, Will, belonged to the to the Canadian Legion, Los Angeles California branch; along with many other Canadians that served in WWI. They enjoyed all the social events the Legion had and she served as president of the branch during 1949. Even after the death of her husband she continued to be evolved with the Legion and all the friends she had made. She would put on “Garden Parties” at her home in San Gabriel, California. A garden party has evolved into what we now usually call a BBQ get together. They would have card and dice games and often would get a group together and have sing alongs usually old English songs. The Canadian Legion would often entertain the sailors in the port fonm Canadian and England. Flo often would let them stay with her and heard from one sailor by mail till her death.

I have Williams dog tag and love it. I have a few things that I love dearly. All my family photos and info, and an old picture and frame of Artiemo Lucchesi in his Army uniform.
I would love to collect everything I could about my family. It means so much to me.

Williams Black Watch badge.

Rose Ellen Berry King

Rose Ellen Berry married Edwin Isaac King on December 24th, 1882. Edwin King was a gay blade and he took off and left rose Ellen to raise 5 small children on her own. Lilly, the youngest was about one year old. Maud was raided by her grandmother, and the rest with their mother Rose Ellen. They never did see their father again. Their mother, Rose Ellen died during WWII. The two boys lived in Canada and the three girls lived in the USA.

My wonderful Grandmother "Alice"
Florence Alice Cross Lucchesi.

Married to Leone (Leo) Bruno Lucchesi May 21, 1937 @ El Monte Methodist Episcopal Church.

Florence ( Everyone called her Alice) move to Ann Arbor, Michigan from Canada with her family when she was about 2 years old. At about age 6, the then moved to Los Angeles area. Alice was quite a tomboy as a child and in the 11th grade she started working at a box factory. When she was in high school she loved to dance and eventually met her future husband, Leo at a dance called The Midwick. Leo and Alice were married 5/21/37 and lived on Brooklyn Avenue in East Los Angeles with Leo’s parents. Alice left high school to be married. She later went to night school to get her high school diploma. Alice later worked as a saleslady at J.C. penny and then as a telephone operator with Los Angeles Country from which she retired at age 62.

Alice as a child.
Leo and Alice on their wedding day.

Info on Leo:
Leone (or Leo) moved to Los Angeles from Colorado when he was about 6 months old with his family Aritemo and Severina Lucchesi. He started working in his father’s business at age 12 after school and learned the statue trade. After leaving high school, he worked for Lasky Studios in Hollywood as a pattern maker for picture sets. When the Depression hit in the early 1930’s he worked in the millinery trade and when WWII started (He was married with 1 child) he worked in a paint manufacturing for the army and navy. He remained in the paint mfg. Trade and retired after 27 years at age 65 years of age. In his youth, he loved to hunt and fish. He liked all kinds of sports, his favorite being boxing and baseball. After Leo’s father died in 1938, his mother (Nonie: Severian Lucchesi) continued to live with Leo and Alice on Brooklyn Ave. and then at 816 N. Hendricks St., Montebello, California until she died in 1979. Leo was always a very healthy man who looked very good for his age. At about 84, Leo developed blood clots in his leg and had to have it amputated. He moved to a convalescent home after his surgery. When he was there his granddaughter Lisa Michelle (Harsen) Hanshaw went to visit him. He had a bruise on his face. She asked him how it happened and he said he got into a fight with someone. Once her jaw hit the floor he laughed and said it was from moving him around. He liked to make little jokes like that. He was well known for his stubbornness and opinionated views. He may have been a grouch now and then, but he loved his family. It was told that he used to make wine and sell it during prohibition. He loved to work in the garage building things. He made a decorative mini piano, violin, and stagecoach. He was very handy. He also loved to play cards. Most of his friends (life long friends from childhood) would play cards. Later in life he would go out almost every night to play cards. He liked poker. He used to ride his bicycle to the local doughnut shop every morning up to the time he lost his leg. At that point he was in a rehabilitation center until his death due to a lung disease.

I have taken some time off from my family history, but plan to work on it more soon. I still would like to make a book about everyone to hand out to family members.

I hope that you have had a good time learning a little about my family.

Monday, December 21, 2009

350 miles of seat time and boy by butt hurts

Mike and I set a date to ride our supermotos over some local roads a few weeks ago. I was very happy to have the best weather this weekend. It was 75-80 in LA and about 65 on the other side of the mountains in Leona Valley. We rode both Sat and Sunday on the same roads. It seems that Sunday we picked up a club member that wanted to join it. I don’t mind, but I like when Mike and I ride together. We don’t need to stop and wait for anyone. He goes slower for me I am sure, but we never have to wait for each other. I love riding supermotos with Mike. I don’t normally keep track of my mileage on a weekend ride, I just ride. The Aprilia has a small tank so I was making sure that I would not get stuck out in the middle of nowhere needing gas. I now have that rout dialed in for the gas situation. That leads me to my weekend total. I was surprised to see that I did 350 miles on the supermoto. My back side was feeling it the last few miles home. Here are the videos from a nice day of riding and enjoy nature.
CLICK HERE (This was a bit of a dirty road as you can see Mike sticking his foot out warning me of the dirt.)

Click Here (Camera died on this one, too bad it was a good run)

Click Here ( I know what your thinking. That guys feet are going to get ripped off. )

Click here (Last one)

Thanks for coming along on my video ride. You never know, I may get you to come on a ride with me some day soon. hahahahahahahahaha (My mom shakes her head no.)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Have Nothing To Do???

Just hanging around doing nothing???? Watch this video of a motorcycle legend.


See that was worth it. :-)

Have a nice day.

Ohhhh Look what I just found. MotoGP Fun. I wish I knew what they were saying, but I do have a pretty good guess. lol

Click here


Click here

I don't know what I liked better, the race or the announcers.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ice and more Ice

Fun on Ice.

Ice Videos (Bikes and quads)

Let’s start with Ice Racing. I have never seen Ice Racing so when I heard it was in town I was excited to go watch it. It was on an ice skating rink. It was pretty much speedway races with bikes and quads. They even have gokarts, but they were not racing that night. There were two women that were there on quads. I of course cheered for them. One was really good and the other was ok. They both did not win anything, but good for them for getting it done out there. I liked the races and was glad that I got to see something like that. You know me, I am always up for motorcycle things. What else is there to do on a weekend full of rain? :-)

More Ice........

Since it finally snowed here in the LA area, I thought I would test my foot out on the slopes. It’s been two years since I have boarded due to my foot and I missed it. I really enjoy the snow. It’s so pretty. The bright white of it. The shine in the sun. The crunch under your feet. The crisp feeling on your face, and the way it makes it so quiet. I also enjoy the mountains so much that adding snow just makes it that much better. The day started off ok. I was able to get my boots and bindings on without pain in my foot. I was super rusty the first run. I fell a few times on the way down. I was too nervous to test my foot. I was not feeling any pain by the time I finished my first run so I felt better about the whole thing. I don’t know what got into me the second run. It’s like when you’re on the track practicing and taking it easy. Then you line up for the start of a race and the flag drops. Something just clicks and you go. Pn my second run I fastened my bindings, popped up, started to move, and then went for it. I was zipping right along. I was down to the bottom in no time. The third run was pretty much like that as well. I was feeling pretty good. I did not like that there was a nice sheet of ice under the little powder they had. It was hard to turn and gave everyone an uneasy feeling. The people in line were talking about the ice. My fourth run was starting off ok until I wipped out. I did a nice little roll and slide. Problem with that was my board caught the ground and pushed and twisted on my foot. That really hurt. I tried to get down the slope but found I was having a hard time going Toe Side. I had to Plow all the way down. I was done for the day. I am glad that I was able to board with relatively little to no pain. I just can’t fall. I now have to rest my foot. I guess you pay to play.
Vid 2 CLICK HERE (My little crash)

Sunday, December 06, 2009

T2 Annual Drive and Dine X-Mas Party

(Check out my race one and two stories…. Ugh)

It was that time again for the Turn2sportbikes annual Ride and Dine Christmas Party. It is always a great night when everyone gets together and lets loose. It starts with Go-Karting. Everyone tries to get placed all in the same race. We pretty much have to give them a warning that they really don’t want others in our group. It’s all out war for the most part. The karts get a beating from everyone in our group. We used to go to a place called Dromo, but they would black flag everyone and cut the karts power. Always a “No Bumping “sign being pointed at everyone. They would cut your power even if someone spun out in front of you and you could not help but hit them. We were all happy when a place opened that let us run wild. Too bad they closed up. We have now found K1. It’s electric karts, but still fun. They were pretty cool. They only waved the Lap traffic flag. They let us get a little wild out there.

We had 13 people in our race group. They allowed us to have one extra kart on the track so we could all race together. It was our first time to that track so it was a nice level playing field. Everyone signed up for two races. I was hoping to get kart #24 but got the one right in front of that kart. I was bummed. I missed it by one. It was a fastest lap race so everyone slowly went out onto the track. Then they turn up the speed of the karts a bit and then they turn it all the way up.

Race one.
I did pretty well. I got held up here and there. I was laughing that one of my friends was holding me up, then I would get around, and the karts would stop. When they started again he somehow ended up in front of me. That went on most the race. Then someone crashed and they had to get her out from under the barrier so they stopped the karts. Once they got going again my kart would not go. It took a while, but finally took off. I thought I did well since it had been almost 2 years since I have been in a kart. I got 4th over all out of drivers. I was happy, but wanted to be in the top 3. It was a "bump and run" race. That is until my friend was complaining that I put him into the wall two times. I said, “You were behind me.” He said it again about me putting him into the wall twice. I then said,” It’s called a brake. Use it.” I put someone behind me into the wall???? I did not complain to him when he hit me going into a turn to spin me out on purpose. Only after he was crying about me putting him into the wall I brought up that he spun me. He did not acknowledge I said that, but I repeated myself. He then said it was because I put him into the wall. He spun me and still complained. What a baby. I walked away and said, “Grow some.” Under my breath. It’s all fun. We are all racing out there. And having a good time. Oh and after he spun me out, half a lap later he was all spun out and I passed him.

Race two.
I was glad I was out front to start this race so I could get some good laps in before traffic. One problem, the kart I had this time around (still not #24 dang it) was harder to turn right. It was running wide. It was harder to steer than my kart in race one. The race went on and I was doing ok. I zipped through a pile up and was making good time. I was all by myself coming into a U-turn at almost full speed. I could not see my friend who spun out and was facing me blocking the whole turn. When I did see him I stomped on the brakes as hard as I could but nothing happened. I slammed him so hard my kart came to a total stop. The racer in me just floored the gas again and took off, but I was hurting. We hit so hard. My helmet shifted on my head. My body got worked by the seatbelt. I hit hard enough that the seatbelt left this 5 inch long burn on my neck. It was killing me (still is actually). I was a little shaken, but you know me, I was on the gas still going. I thought they may cut the karts after that, but I guess since I just kept going they did not do anything. I got off the track and told my friends what happened. I got the “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” when they saw my neck. It’s pretty ugly. I got 4th again, but had faster times.

The party.
It was really nice to all get together with friends. Everyone had a great time. More people showed up for the party after the karts. After dinner we have a gift exchange. You get a ticket, your number is called. You pick a gift or can take a gift that someone already has. It’s pretty good. You want to be one of the last people called so you can see what everyone has and if you want to take it you can. I was called at the very end. I am a softy and hate to take a gift that someone really wants. All the gifts were very high end things. It was very cool. I grab one of the remaining unopened packages. What did I get???? I got a bra and g-string. Ummmm ok. It was funny yes, but everyone got things like track bags, helmet bags, Ipods, a camera, and so on. Kind of funny, kind of a bummer. Oh well. Good thing it had it’s Target receipt still. Sad part is it did not even add up to the minimum amount we agreed to spend on everyone. Maybe I should hold on to it and regift it next year. HA!
I can’t believe that everyone talked and talked to about 2:00 morning. Not like me at all to do that, but everyone was so funny and making me laugh. I sure needed a good laugh. I could not sleep when I got home. I was up until about 3:30AM. I then woke up at 5:00AM. I just could not sleep. You know how it is, your mind is spinning and you just can’t stop thinking.

I was going to go ride today with my buddy Mike. He wanted to wait until later so it would be warmer. I looked out my window and the roads we were going to ride on (Just behind my house) are all covered with dark rain clouds. I am sure we could make a quick run, but I hate for him to come all this way and we can’t go. So we called it off. I am bummed. I want to ride. It’s going to rain all week and I am sure the burn areas are going to get the roads all dirty. Next weekend may be a bust also. Then again, I do have a supermoto and they do go on dirt……….. Keep my eyes open on the road and maybe I can still ride next weekend lol. (Are my devil horns showing?)

Here are the videos from last night. You need to check them out.
Race one I had the camera filming the front view. Race two I put it on backwards to film a different view. Too bad I had the camera showing the rear view when I hit head on. You will see it in the video.

Race one Videos. (They Are Short videos)
Vid 1
Vid 2
Vid 3
Vid 4
Vid 5
Vid 6
Vid 7

Race two Videos ( They Are Short Videos)
Vid 1
Vid 2 (Head on at about 1:50 into the video. Ouch)


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

My Brother and I

My brother took me to a Three Stooges showing. It was a special event that takes place once a year. Why would he take me to a Stooge event????? Because he and I always watched them on the weekends when we were growing up. It was really cool to see them on the big screen. I was totally surprised. I had no idea where we were going and what we were doing that day.
We then went to Porto's Bakery. It was sooooooooo good. My new number one place to eat.

It was wonderful. I can't wait to go back.


Thank you Eric for a wonderful day. I had the best time. :-) I love you big brother.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

One Year Ago....... My Life Changed

It was one year ago that I was having a blast on my new Aprilia RS125cc bike at a track called Willow Springs. On my second session my motor seized in a turn and high sided me off. I was knocked out for a little bit, but was ok. That’s what I thought until I felt the pain in my foot. No words could describe the pain I felt. I would never wish that upon anyone. I quickly found myself attended to by track staff and the EMTs. Off I went to the hospital. Miles and my best friend Mike Radner went to the track with me that day. I could see them following the ambulance as I looked out the window wondering when the stuff they gave me for pain would kick in. I found out that Morphine does not work on me. I had 8 broken bones in my foot, it was dislocated, and one bone was crushed to dust and I had to get a bone graft. I had surgery the next day to screw me all together. After another night of no pain relief I was ready to go home. I was so sick from the meds that all I could do was look forward to the day I was pasted this point in my recovery. That thought kept me going for a while. I knew it would get better sometime. It was a very painful and slow healing process, but I was getting there. Then I found out I had to have surgery again to fix a tendon so my big toe would move. I came out of surgery thinking I was going to have just some stitches, but I ended up in a cast again. Another 2 months of problems with healing.
I am happy to say that I am wearing shoes. I am on my feet all day, and I can ride my bike. I feel lucky, thankful, and lucky. I want to thank all the people at the track that were so wonderful taking care of me. My amazing doctor that saved my foot from being amputated. My friends for helping me and all the well wishes. Thanks to Mike for sitting in the hospital with me for a few hours seeing me at my worst. Miles for taking care of me all that time and my parents for all their help. I could not have made it through all this without my family and friends. I was in very bad shape. Phone calls to cheer me up, making dinner for me, and emails of support were wonderful. I am sorry that I made everyone worry. I am sorry that I worried so many. I used to say,” don’t worry I bounce, not break.” Ummm I do break, but I will do my best to not let that happen again.
Love Always,
Your nutty daredevil flea.
I love you.

Half a lap before I crashed.

At the hospital.

1 week later

3 weeks after

Cast off day

Yes, it hurt.

Screws out.

I am pretty much at about 70%. I dont know if it will get much better, but I am happy with it. I hope to get stronger and stronger.