Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ice and more Ice

Fun on Ice.

Ice Videos (Bikes and quads)

Let’s start with Ice Racing. I have never seen Ice Racing so when I heard it was in town I was excited to go watch it. It was on an ice skating rink. It was pretty much speedway races with bikes and quads. They even have gokarts, but they were not racing that night. There were two women that were there on quads. I of course cheered for them. One was really good and the other was ok. They both did not win anything, but good for them for getting it done out there. I liked the races and was glad that I got to see something like that. You know me, I am always up for motorcycle things. What else is there to do on a weekend full of rain? :-)

More Ice........

Since it finally snowed here in the LA area, I thought I would test my foot out on the slopes. It’s been two years since I have boarded due to my foot and I missed it. I really enjoy the snow. It’s so pretty. The bright white of it. The shine in the sun. The crunch under your feet. The crisp feeling on your face, and the way it makes it so quiet. I also enjoy the mountains so much that adding snow just makes it that much better. The day started off ok. I was able to get my boots and bindings on without pain in my foot. I was super rusty the first run. I fell a few times on the way down. I was too nervous to test my foot. I was not feeling any pain by the time I finished my first run so I felt better about the whole thing. I don’t know what got into me the second run. It’s like when you’re on the track practicing and taking it easy. Then you line up for the start of a race and the flag drops. Something just clicks and you go. Pn my second run I fastened my bindings, popped up, started to move, and then went for it. I was zipping right along. I was down to the bottom in no time. The third run was pretty much like that as well. I was feeling pretty good. I did not like that there was a nice sheet of ice under the little powder they had. It was hard to turn and gave everyone an uneasy feeling. The people in line were talking about the ice. My fourth run was starting off ok until I wipped out. I did a nice little roll and slide. Problem with that was my board caught the ground and pushed and twisted on my foot. That really hurt. I tried to get down the slope but found I was having a hard time going Toe Side. I had to Plow all the way down. I was done for the day. I am glad that I was able to board with relatively little to no pain. I just can’t fall. I now have to rest my foot. I guess you pay to play.
Vid 2 CLICK HERE (My little crash)

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