Tuesday, December 01, 2009

One Year Ago....... My Life Changed

It was one year ago that I was having a blast on my new Aprilia RS125cc bike at a track called Willow Springs. On my second session my motor seized in a turn and high sided me off. I was knocked out for a little bit, but was ok. That’s what I thought until I felt the pain in my foot. No words could describe the pain I felt. I would never wish that upon anyone. I quickly found myself attended to by track staff and the EMTs. Off I went to the hospital. Miles and my best friend Mike Radner went to the track with me that day. I could see them following the ambulance as I looked out the window wondering when the stuff they gave me for pain would kick in. I found out that Morphine does not work on me. I had 8 broken bones in my foot, it was dislocated, and one bone was crushed to dust and I had to get a bone graft. I had surgery the next day to screw me all together. After another night of no pain relief I was ready to go home. I was so sick from the meds that all I could do was look forward to the day I was pasted this point in my recovery. That thought kept me going for a while. I knew it would get better sometime. It was a very painful and slow healing process, but I was getting there. Then I found out I had to have surgery again to fix a tendon so my big toe would move. I came out of surgery thinking I was going to have just some stitches, but I ended up in a cast again. Another 2 months of problems with healing.
I am happy to say that I am wearing shoes. I am on my feet all day, and I can ride my bike. I feel lucky, thankful, and lucky. I want to thank all the people at the track that were so wonderful taking care of me. My amazing doctor that saved my foot from being amputated. My friends for helping me and all the well wishes. Thanks to Mike for sitting in the hospital with me for a few hours seeing me at my worst. Miles for taking care of me all that time and my parents for all their help. I could not have made it through all this without my family and friends. I was in very bad shape. Phone calls to cheer me up, making dinner for me, and emails of support were wonderful. I am sorry that I made everyone worry. I am sorry that I worried so many. I used to say,” don’t worry I bounce, not break.” Ummm I do break, but I will do my best to not let that happen again.
Love Always,
Your nutty daredevil flea.
I love you.

Half a lap before I crashed.

At the hospital.

1 week later

3 weeks after

Cast off day

Yes, it hurt.

Screws out.

I am pretty much at about 70%. I dont know if it will get much better, but I am happy with it. I hope to get stronger and stronger.

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