Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last 2009 Blog Post

Lucky you. It's going to be about me.

I posted a blog entry about myself a while back. What I like, don’t like, and so on.
I thought you might want to take another trip down the rabbit hole into the rusted steel trap of mine. Enjoy the ride.

1. I find that when I don’t feel well I want grape juice. I don’t know why.
2. Also, when I don’t feel well, I crave green apples. My mom was so great and got me a bunch of apples for me when I came home from the hospital from my foot injury. I always made sure I had an apple and a bottle of water or two on the coffee table where I camped out all day long.
3. I like to walk around barefooted. I come home and take off my shoes right away. I like to walk around the back yard that way as well. I enjoy the feel of the grass under my feet.
4. I also like to go to the back yard and just eat a leaf of basil. I check on my plants and end up eating one.
5. I used to have strawberries in my garden at the Montebello house. I loved to go to the garden and pull weeds, eat a strawberry or two as a little reward for seeing how the garden was doing.
6. I look forward to having a house with a big garden. I would also like to grow fruit trees. I loved going to my parents yard and getting an orange when I wanted a snack when I was growing up.
7. I like to work on my motorcycles myself if I can. I feel better when someone is there to guide me. If not then I tend to only check the tire pressure and very minor things. I used to like changing the gear oil in my Aprilia race bike. The body work was a pain to take off, but it’s good to know I could do that stuff myself. I have not done much in a long time and want to get back into getting to know my bikes better.
8. I like BBQ. Good baby back ribs are so yummy. The BBQ sauce has to be on spot to make the ribs. They also have to just about fall off the bone.
9. Coleslaw. I don’t know how people can mess that up, but I love it. No pineapple in it please Yuck.
10. I love when I’m on a motorcycle and everything seems to click just right. All the turns don’t seem that hard that day. I always know when I am in the groove because a song pops into my head. This would happen when I ran Cross Country as well. A random song that has a rhythm that matches my rhythm will pop in my head from nowhere. I have no control over the song. It’s kind of funny really. I catch myself wondering why on earth is THAT song in my head.
11. It seems I don’t like to share my prime rib with anyone. Grrrrr grrrrrrr don’t touch!
12. Mashed potatoes over baked any day.
13. I like salad more than I think. I always enjoy one when I have one and wonder why I don’t have one more often.
14. I love fresh crusty bread out of the oven at a restaurant. Ummmmmm
15. I like the way my hair feels just after I blow dry it. All warm and smooth. Too bad it gets stringy within minutes of leaving the bathroom. What’s up with that? Dang English hair. All that Italian in me and I get stringy hair.
16. I like that I can still wear earrings with my helmet on.
17. I like when Sonoma curls up with me on the couch at night and falls sleep.
18. I like flannel sheets when it’s cold.
19. I like to use scented soap in the shower as well as scented lotions. I like the smell of it. Makes me feel clean and fresh. I also like the smell of clean laundry. Oh and the household cleanings supplies. Everything smells fresh and clean.
20. I like to be a passenger in a car and look out the window. I like to see nature, building, and signs. I even like to look at people in the other cars. (Well, most of the time. I have seen a few things I will keep working on trying to forget. HAHAHA one I will share with you so you can feel my pain. Some guy pulling out his eyebrows and eating them. I know, I know…… Now I am not the only one that has to try to forget that. Awwww I feel better now. )

21. I almost forgot until I was reminded at dinner tonight. I have a curse. Yes, that’s right, a curse. I frequently get dirty dishes at a restaurant. I know, I know, we all do now and then, but you don’t understand. I almost always get them. The dirty fork, the knife blade with dried up egg on it, something floating in my drink, and tonight was the famous lipstick on the glass. You would not think too much of it until you dine with me. A true estimate of how often this happens to me is about 75-80% of the time. Everyone else will check to see if they have the same problem and it’s just me. I could move seats 5 times and still end up with the dirty dish. It’s truly amazing. You will never fully understand until you dine with me. It’s absolutely mind blowing. Really, you won’t believe how it’s always me that gets it. No one else, just me.

Welcome back to the station. Please make sure you have all your belongings before you leave. Thanks for visiting and come again soon.

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