Sunday, December 06, 2009

T2 Annual Drive and Dine X-Mas Party

(Check out my race one and two stories…. Ugh)

It was that time again for the Turn2sportbikes annual Ride and Dine Christmas Party. It is always a great night when everyone gets together and lets loose. It starts with Go-Karting. Everyone tries to get placed all in the same race. We pretty much have to give them a warning that they really don’t want others in our group. It’s all out war for the most part. The karts get a beating from everyone in our group. We used to go to a place called Dromo, but they would black flag everyone and cut the karts power. Always a “No Bumping “sign being pointed at everyone. They would cut your power even if someone spun out in front of you and you could not help but hit them. We were all happy when a place opened that let us run wild. Too bad they closed up. We have now found K1. It’s electric karts, but still fun. They were pretty cool. They only waved the Lap traffic flag. They let us get a little wild out there.

We had 13 people in our race group. They allowed us to have one extra kart on the track so we could all race together. It was our first time to that track so it was a nice level playing field. Everyone signed up for two races. I was hoping to get kart #24 but got the one right in front of that kart. I was bummed. I missed it by one. It was a fastest lap race so everyone slowly went out onto the track. Then they turn up the speed of the karts a bit and then they turn it all the way up.

Race one.
I did pretty well. I got held up here and there. I was laughing that one of my friends was holding me up, then I would get around, and the karts would stop. When they started again he somehow ended up in front of me. That went on most the race. Then someone crashed and they had to get her out from under the barrier so they stopped the karts. Once they got going again my kart would not go. It took a while, but finally took off. I thought I did well since it had been almost 2 years since I have been in a kart. I got 4th over all out of drivers. I was happy, but wanted to be in the top 3. It was a "bump and run" race. That is until my friend was complaining that I put him into the wall two times. I said, “You were behind me.” He said it again about me putting him into the wall twice. I then said,” It’s called a brake. Use it.” I put someone behind me into the wall???? I did not complain to him when he hit me going into a turn to spin me out on purpose. Only after he was crying about me putting him into the wall I brought up that he spun me. He did not acknowledge I said that, but I repeated myself. He then said it was because I put him into the wall. He spun me and still complained. What a baby. I walked away and said, “Grow some.” Under my breath. It’s all fun. We are all racing out there. And having a good time. Oh and after he spun me out, half a lap later he was all spun out and I passed him.

Race two.
I was glad I was out front to start this race so I could get some good laps in before traffic. One problem, the kart I had this time around (still not #24 dang it) was harder to turn right. It was running wide. It was harder to steer than my kart in race one. The race went on and I was doing ok. I zipped through a pile up and was making good time. I was all by myself coming into a U-turn at almost full speed. I could not see my friend who spun out and was facing me blocking the whole turn. When I did see him I stomped on the brakes as hard as I could but nothing happened. I slammed him so hard my kart came to a total stop. The racer in me just floored the gas again and took off, but I was hurting. We hit so hard. My helmet shifted on my head. My body got worked by the seatbelt. I hit hard enough that the seatbelt left this 5 inch long burn on my neck. It was killing me (still is actually). I was a little shaken, but you know me, I was on the gas still going. I thought they may cut the karts after that, but I guess since I just kept going they did not do anything. I got off the track and told my friends what happened. I got the “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” when they saw my neck. It’s pretty ugly. I got 4th again, but had faster times.

The party.
It was really nice to all get together with friends. Everyone had a great time. More people showed up for the party after the karts. After dinner we have a gift exchange. You get a ticket, your number is called. You pick a gift or can take a gift that someone already has. It’s pretty good. You want to be one of the last people called so you can see what everyone has and if you want to take it you can. I was called at the very end. I am a softy and hate to take a gift that someone really wants. All the gifts were very high end things. It was very cool. I grab one of the remaining unopened packages. What did I get???? I got a bra and g-string. Ummmm ok. It was funny yes, but everyone got things like track bags, helmet bags, Ipods, a camera, and so on. Kind of funny, kind of a bummer. Oh well. Good thing it had it’s Target receipt still. Sad part is it did not even add up to the minimum amount we agreed to spend on everyone. Maybe I should hold on to it and regift it next year. HA!
I can’t believe that everyone talked and talked to about 2:00 morning. Not like me at all to do that, but everyone was so funny and making me laugh. I sure needed a good laugh. I could not sleep when I got home. I was up until about 3:30AM. I then woke up at 5:00AM. I just could not sleep. You know how it is, your mind is spinning and you just can’t stop thinking.

I was going to go ride today with my buddy Mike. He wanted to wait until later so it would be warmer. I looked out my window and the roads we were going to ride on (Just behind my house) are all covered with dark rain clouds. I am sure we could make a quick run, but I hate for him to come all this way and we can’t go. So we called it off. I am bummed. I want to ride. It’s going to rain all week and I am sure the burn areas are going to get the roads all dirty. Next weekend may be a bust also. Then again, I do have a supermoto and they do go on dirt……….. Keep my eyes open on the road and maybe I can still ride next weekend lol. (Are my devil horns showing?)

Here are the videos from last night. You need to check them out.
Race one I had the camera filming the front view. Race two I put it on backwards to film a different view. Too bad I had the camera showing the rear view when I hit head on. You will see it in the video.

Race one Videos. (They Are Short videos)
Vid 1
Vid 2
Vid 3
Vid 4
Vid 5
Vid 6
Vid 7

Race two Videos ( They Are Short Videos)
Vid 1
Vid 2 (Head on at about 1:50 into the video. Ouch)


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