Monday, April 27, 2009

My Helmets

A girl has to accessorize.
After my little “get off” at Big Willow I needed a new helmet. The good thing was it was a helmet that I did not like that much (fit wise that is). I like Arai helmets. They fit me really well. That helmet was a different brand. I got it because my friend could get a good deal on it and I liked the design. I pretty much express myself with my helmets. I like them bright.
This brings me to Arai’s again. I have a few of them and love them all. Why do I have more than one? Well, one was my first helmet. Some clown dropped it off my bike and put a nice chip in it. People say that if you drop your helmet it’s no good any more. I don’t know if that’s true, but that was a good reason to get another cool helmet that had just came out. If you can believe after that an another cool helmet came out, and then another. It seems I like helmets like most women like shoes. From street helmets to my race helmets, I like them all.

Here are the ones I have, in good condition or bad.

My newer race helmet.
Save my Peanut in this last crash.

It was signed by John Hopkins at one of my races. How cool is that?!!

My first helmet. I still like the way it looks.

My old race helmet.
There are black marks on the top of it from having to lay the bike down in a turn. A rider crashed out infront of me as I was making a pass and just plopped there. He did not slide away. I had to lay it down or t-bone him and fly. I ended up head butting his rear tire. Weird.

Nicky Hayden signed this helemt at Laguna right before he won.

This is Nicky Hayden's rep. helmet.

My UK only helmet. I love the fit of this one.
It was cool having this one before everyone else got it. Now too many people have it now.
And now for my new helmet. I saw this and knew it was for me.
I don’t want the same helmet that everyone has if I can avoid it. This leaves me looking in the UK for some UK only designs. I found one that had my name all over it. It’s a Leon Haslam design. He is a racer that has his own helmet design. It’s a perfect representation of my riding. Don’t you think?
This side is the devil.

This side is the angel.

Even Bailey likes it.

Thanks to Miles for surprising me and ordering the helmet. I had been talking about this helmet for long enough I guess. Thank you.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

From Flab to Fab

I have been working hard to get my foot back in action. I am not happy with the once/twice a week therapy that I have so I joined Bally’s Total Fitness to step up the recovery. Let me start with the fact that I hate gyms you have to pay for. All through school and now for 9 years of teaching I have had access to a gym for free. Now I have to pay for one and I find it frustrating. It’s not because I have to pay, it’s just that I hate that used car salesman feeling. After pitching me the original $99 start up fee, it ended up $0 start up fee after me saying no, no, no, no for 15 minutes. The 3 year plan for $34.00 p/month ended up $29.00 p/ month on a month to month basis. It was the battle of the saleswoman VS’ the penny pincher. The penny pincher won.
Next came my one free work out with a personal trainer. I told the guy I was a PE teacher. I guess that means I only know how to through a football or something. Not that I have a degree in Kinesiology or anything. He proceeded to run through a workout with me (like I had never been in a gym before). I had to tell him about my foot since I still limp and can’t bend my big toe or ankle that well. I told him I had been sitting for 4 months and that I am weak as a whole. We were both surprised that I was able to do everything he asked. I even did better on a balance ball than he did. That’s with a foot that I can’t stand on alone. Lol Then came the hard sale for getting a personal trainer. Can’t I just workout? What pissed me off was that I was overly clear that I did not want to get phone calls and be bothered at home. I had to list an emergency contact number when signing up. I can see that. People get hurt or have a problem and they need to get a hold of someone. Well, I gave them Miles cell number. They called him and asked if he wanted to join. It was my emergency contact number they called, and that was one day after I joined. What the heck? I gave them an ear full.
With all that junk, I find that I am enjoying my first week of membership. The pool is down for a week, but I will be in the pool each day. I enjoy working out. I can’t wait to get back in shape and feel better about myself. My one leg is still skinner than my other, but I hope that will come back faster now that I am working out. I want to get into riding shape. I hope my foot will be able to shift a bike so I can ride soon. I hope to work out every weekday. I am starting off small right now, but I will get there in time. Look out here I come!
4.5 months after breaking my foot.

Not there yet, but much better.

Got a set of replacement gloves since my others were trashed in the crash.

Ready for the throttle.

Oh my gosh, I got my dress boots on! It was not much fun to walk in them, but I did it. It was fun to dress nice and go to a nice dinner. I still have a ways to go, but it's getting there. I am still limping and my foot hurts with each step, but I keep working on it. :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Deadliest Catch

I am happy to see that the show Deadliest Catch is returning for another season tonight. I have been looking forward to it for some time now. I have been watching this show from the start. I Tivo it so I don’t miss any. This is odd considering I do not like seafood. I don’t like anything that comes from water. I am a land carnivore. No, I don’t like shrimp. No I don’t like lobster. I like the butter it’s dipped in, but I don’t taste the lobster with all the butter. The texture is not so great so why pay all that money to eat butter flavored rubber? Yes, I have had good seafood. No, I don’t assume I won’t like it, I always try it. I always don’t like it. The smell alone is the worst. A skunk smells better. With this strong aversion to seafood, why would I want to watch people catching it? I don’t know. I just love all the hard work, blood, guts, and craziness that makes up that show. I think someone that has worked their muscles to the point they give out due to fatigue knows a little about what the fishermen are going through. They take it to the next level, but you have some kind of understanding.
It’s a great show. I think a lot of people now appreciate the hard working people behind the scenes that make our world go round. Farmers, factory workers, and fishermen our hats are off to you.
My favorite ships are .........

Cornelia Marie

and Northwestern

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Girls trip to Bass Lake

My Mom, Aunt Linda, good friend Stevie, and I hit the road and headed to Bass Lake for a few days of fun. We were worried about the weather, but it turned out to be very nice. It was warm enough so that we could sit outside and play games. Then on the second to last day it snowed a little. Quite the change, but nice. We went for some walks, sat around watching movies, checked out the sites, and laughed ourselves silly. Wine, cheese, good food and good company made for a wonderful weekend. Stevie was brave. She said yes when I asked her if she wanted to go with me for a few days to the lake. She had never been there, never been on a trip with me, and hardly knew my mom and aunt. Her positive attitude and endless supply of games made for one heck of a weekend. Thanks Stevie! You’re the best! I always love going to the lake. This was the first time I saw it snow there. That was really nice. I wish I was still there. It got me thinking about this summer. I can’t wait to sit on the edge of the dock with my feet dangling in the water.

It must be the fresh air or something. I don't know what got into us. It was a nutty weekend.

Nice hat Stevie.
I took one for the team and went for the chicken. You owe me.
Holy smokes I look bad in this picture. Then again, who would look good with a chicken on their head?

Mom having too much fun, now I am worried.

Way to go Linda. You rocked that hat.

We thought we would eat out this night. It was cold and raining. We got to the restaurant and there was no one there. Half way through, it was packed. Strange.

CLICK HERE for all the pictures. Look on the right side of site and click on slideshow.

Stateline Supermoto and Calico Ghost Town

I found out that there was going to be a supermoto race at Stateline and had to go. Miles and I took off around 7:00PM on Friday night and got there around 11:30PM. After a short night’s sleep, we were up and off to the races. It was not what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was this big event. It was to an extent, but there was no place for people to sit to watch the races. Not a big deal normally, but when you are walking and standing for a long time after 4 months off, it was hard. I enjoyed they fact there were so many Supermotos in one place. I just never get to see that. It was also the first time I had seen quads racing. They are nutty out there. We watched some races, and then stepped inside the outlet mall they were behind for a snack. Turned out that Miles bought a few things, and I ended up with a nice outfit and two dresses. Miles loves the fact that I can wear just about anything. I was happy to say that everything I got was a size 2. Not too bad for someone that is 36 years old and 5’7”. Lol It was nice to get something that I can go out in. I always struggle with that.
We could not stay long at the race because we had to go home so that I could pack to leave the next morning nice and early to go to Bass Lake. As we were headed home, Miles surprised me by stopping at Calico Ghost Town. I always want to stop there on the way home from Femmoto, but never do. It was bigger than I thought. It was hard walking around, but I did it. I had a good time.

I don't know how they jump like that.
for video of the start of a supermoto race.
I was trying to watch the riders movements and what they were doing.
I would love to learn to ride a supermoto better.

This guy almost lost it.

My First time seeing Quads race.


I can see why they would need to take a bath with all that dirt.

Should I build a fire under that tub?

Hummmm.... something is off here.

Don't ask how, I am not telling. :-)

Friday, April 03, 2009

Why I love my dogs

I am lucky to have two wonderful dogs. Bailey is now 13 and Sonoma is 5. Bailey is the thinker and Sonoma is the love bug. I could not imagine being home recovering all this time without them. They brighten my day and keep me company.

Click here for a video of bailey showing off. BAILEY VIDEO
Click here for a video of Sonoma playing. SONOMA VIDEO

Sonoma taking a nap.
Bailey napping in the sun.

Shaggy Bailey.

Sonoma just rolled on her back like this on her own. She rolled, stopped, and just looked at me. It was so funny. I don't know what goes through that head of her.

Shaggy Sonoma.
I am blessed that they both lived through being attached by two pit bulls. That was the worst day. It was a long recovery for them, but they are doing fine. I hate pit bulls. I don't know why anyone would have a dog that can be fine one moment, and the next they are tearing down my iron gate tearing my dogs to shreads.